The Devil's covet valley

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This month has been the longest month in the history of months!
The babies are almost a year or so now~ and I am continuing with the main story lines and plot
(A challenge because it is the same mission and same setting, so I will try and make them as different as possible!)
(As said in Kisame’s chapter way before)
Your new assigned mission was to head over to Suna with your man to try and find a way to infiltrate Suna, so you can make way for Sasori to implement more spies in the village to ready himself for the main mission at hand. The route chosen was a sandy desert valley formed inside a giant fissure in the ground. It was said to be very dangerous because many unknown creatures lurked there and had many myths of people, who got lost in there forever. But no old wives’ tale was going to scare an organization of S-rank shinobi. You go as the mission says no matter what or where it was….perpetrate first, complain second.
So you strapped your child onto your chest and headed out with your man to this exploration mission. Mainly because you didn’t trust those around you to watch over your own precious child.
(Each member is going to take a different route even though it will be the same valley) 

(Lost the old one 😔 it has been written from memory)

The dry soft wind blew in your face as you tightened your grip around d/n. Though she was strapped to your chest, you kept worrying something might happen to your little bundle of joy.

 Nagato was using his real body for this mission, after your chakra had rejuvenated his shell to its full potential. He wanted to test out his strength by using this body soley on  mission. It has been quite a while since he was able to roam so freely without his contraption and the paths.

You didn't want to burden konan with d/n, since she would be handling the base, so you let d/n tag along knowing she would be more than safe with Nagato around. Your Kami would never allow anything to happen to his precious girls.

D/n wasn't even much of a hassle and she was asleep almost the entire time as you trudged through the sand filled landscape, darting your eyes around to study your environment.

You managed to reach a big dead end; a giant rock formation was blocking your path with only two tunnels ahead.

"Tunnels? They look man made" Nagato asked getting close to study them.

You nodded "Yes my clan was allies with the clan that used to live in these parts. They lived alongside us but in the first war they fled and hid here from the great nations due to their shamanistic teachings. They disappeared ever since the war"

Nagato nodded "I see. Any hunches?" He asked

You got closer then felt d/n began to stir and wake up. She looked at the two paths sleepily then smiled "ame?"

You unstrapped her, feeling that she needed to move her arms and legs from the bindings and she kept squirming, pointing to one of the paths while chuckling and mumbling "Ame!"

Nagato laughed at her cuteness and looked at you "Well I guess we got our answer. This is it" 

"You are going with d/n's gut?" You asked curiously and he nodded "She doesn't feel like a person who would ever let me down, plus we have to chose sooner or later before nightfall" he added

You smiled "alright then" and followed him in

You and Hidan trudged carefully into the sand keeping an eye out for any quick sand or weird looking prints on the sand hoping there were no giant desert scorpions around.
“Hey y/n. I heard the sun sets down slower in these parts” Hidan spoke but you didn’t answer as your eyes kept darting form one place to another
“Calm down you are too fucking tense” Hidan spoke
You sighed “I’m sorry… I just want to be as careful are possible…bringing s/n with us, is too unsettling for me and my mother instincts are going wild. I keep assuming the worst”
“Hey… don’t be like that. Jashin sama is watching over us and will guide us through. As long as I’m around nothing will come near you two” he said
You smiled and looked down at s/n, who had just woke up and looked around at the sandy landscape then cuddled into your chest. “Uhh he woke up… he is going to start to squirm because he hates to be held a lot” you said then looked at the sky “And it is starting to get dark”
“You want me to hold him?” Hidan asked
“You are the reason he hates to be held Hidan… plus I don’t want him to scream or cry and alert any wild animals nearby. Let us just hurry up and find a place to rest in”
“None sense! We can fucking go there faster if we don’t take any shitty breaks… he doesn’t look too pissed off so let us do this mission and end it so we can head back”
“You think we can walk all night til morning?”
“Of course that fucking misers forces me to walk from country to country days on end with barely enough rest…. So this is nothing”
You nodded “Yeah the sooner we reach the village at the end of this, the better. But if he starts crying we need to stop immediately” <**This is a bad idea y/n… this child needs a lot of care …the valley will take you almost a day to cross** I know this is a bad idea but it is better if something happens while I’m wide awake rather than waking up to a disaster…I don’t think I can sleep in a place like this…the aura is freaking me out form all the stories I heard **Don’t if think idiot won’t protect you then I will... till the end** I know you will>
Hidan noticed you were spaced out and guessed your demon was interfering so he pulled you to him with a smirk “We can do this, don’t worry about it” He said as you both entered the dark shade of the night using the shinning moon as your only light. 
You strapped d/n on to your chest tight and walked with Kakuzu into the sands of Suna. “I refuse to have d/n with us on missions, y/n”
“What do you expect me to do?...I can’t just recklessly leave her with someone. I would’ve left her with Itachi but you didn’t like that”
He frowned “Of course I wouldn’t!! No one in the organization is to be trusted”
You sighed “Well we are almost there. Hopefully the nights won’t be too cold for her to handle”
“We will find shelter and make a fire before any sandstorm hits, so don’t you worry…I won’t let anything happen to you” he said
You smiled and held his hand in yours “I love you… you know that?”
He smirked holding your hand tight “I know”
You walked almost half way into the valley and so far there was nothing, no creatures or tribes or dangerous quick sand. Night was starting to fall so Kakuzu scouted ahead for a cave to stay in and called you towards it. It was a decent size and appeared to be a newly formed fissure into the mountain side. Kakuzu made a small fire and preformed a few hand signs forming a few rock like columns to hold up the ceiling of the cave just in case. He wasn’t always this careful but this mission was different and demanded his full experience and attention. You sat down and started a fire then took out some food for d/n to eat. She was really calm despite how tense you both were and didn’t cry much for a child her age.
But regardless she was taking a toll on you and you coughed a bit feeling how tired your body had gotten.
“I’ll hold her Tomorrow… you look tired” Kakuzu spoke seeing your exhausted look and you smiled “That would be nice…I don’t really do well in this sort of landscape. I’m afraid the dusty air will harm her”
“Don’t worry about it. we will be out of here in a day or so…it didn’t appear so far away from the map”
You nodded then finished up d/n food and handed her to Kakuzu so you would sleep. Hopefully everything will go smoothly tomorrow.
The two of you decided that taking d/n with you was the best option. Even though Pein and Konan offered to take her, but the two of you refused fearing the worst. Now that Pein was well aware that you were partly a jinchuriki from his little farming experiment, d/n could be easily used as a tool to threaten you and Deidara both.
Even Sasori tried to step in saying that is was completely reckless to bring a child into the dangerous uncharted deserts of the land of wind but when Deidara has made up his mind nothing could change it, not even Pein himself. Plus Deidara had his own way in exploring landscapes easily with not trouble. The two of you chose to go into the deep valley on Deidara’s bird. It was always easier traveling with Deidara and he steered the bird skillfully to avoid any dust devils that would affect the equilibrium of his bird. You hugging d/n close and zipped up your cloak over her so the dust wouldn’t get into her eyes and the cold wind wouldn’t make her sick.
Deidara noticed that there was a wave of dust coming from afar and landed his bird quickly pulling you into a nearby caved he had spotted before the dust storm reached the valley and sealed up the entrance with his clay
“We need to stay in here for a while until the storm passes…none of my bird can go head on through that and the amount of clay I have should be preserved for later uses un”
You nodded “of course” You said and took out a flashlight from your bag and looked around the cave. The Cavern had a deep tunnel inside of it leading further into the mountain. “A tunnel? You think we can make it into the valley by walking in there?” You asked and he sighed “We will head in tomorrow…for now let us rest and wake D/n up for her food because we won’t get a chance to set up camp later on un”
You nodded and sat down unstrapping d/n from you then handing her to Deidara so you can prepare her food.
“Hopefully there are no giant insects in there that borrowed their way in yeah” Deidara spoke lighting the flashlight towards the dark tunnel.
“Don’t say things like that!! You are freaking me out!!!” You snapped and shuddered at the thought of the big insects.
He chuckled and got close kissing your cheek “Stop worrying so much… I’m here for you alright?”
You nodded went back to making d/n’s food.
S/n was acting really fussy and crying ever since Sasori changed back. He would crawl into Sasori’s lap and hold on to his shirt and cry because he couldn’t feel Sasori’s scent or warmth anymore. Until he found Sasori’s core and placed his hand over it. Now he wasn’t able to sleep or calm down unless he hand his hands on Sasori’s core. 
You headed into the warm sands and looked towards Sasori who was not in Hiruko. “Why didn’t you bring Hiruko again?”
“I want to test the limits of this body in battle plus-“ Sasori opened his cloak to see s/n was still asleep wrapped to his chest tight “he doesn’t seem to want to let go anytime soon. This body is more convenient for that”
You sighed “I’m so jealous that s/n is attached to you this way”
Sasori looked at you “Really? Because I feel like I let him down in a way…I took away his father”
“He will learn to adapt don’t worry…. I did” You said sadly as s/n started to wake up and whimper
Sasori took your hand in his and placed his other hand on s/n’s back to calm him down “I don’t say this often but… thank you for bearing me”
You chuckled  “I try but you are such a burden at times” you teased making him frown then continued “But for real, what you did was bound to happen sooner or later. You are safe and it is better this way” You said but you froze in your place and pulled him back from walking any further “Wait… I sense something”
“What?” Sasori asked a s/n cries started to get louder
You looked at s/n worriedly then at Sasori “The ground it just moved“
Sasori’s eyes widened “You think it’s is an earthqu-“ He stopped as the ground underneath you began to shake. You held on to Sasori and he hugged s/n tight as the sand started to sink down while the fissure of the valley began to expand dropped multiple masses of rocks and sand as you both sunk down into the sand.
Thank fully the earthquake stopped and the three of you were safe from the fallen rocks. You pulled yourselves out of the sand and then you took s/n away from Sasori and hugged him tight trying to calm him down because he was too scared at what had happened “shhh it’s alright baby calm down… I’m here for you. you are safe” You said kissing his cheek and wipping away his tears until he calmed down bitting his hand.
In the meantime Saosri was looking around trying to understand what had happened and went back to you “It seems our shape of the valley had changed… we are deeper in which is good because the sandstorms won’t affect us much but also bad because a lot of sand poured in and it is bound to be filled with snakes and scorpions that were in hiding….our night will be a long one so let us find shelter on higher ground away from this new sand”
You nodded and followed him jumping up onto the nearby high rocks. It was good you had Sasori come along because he was the only Akatsuki member from Suna and had vast knowledge of the area. For now you just hoped there will be no more earthquakes.
“This is the worst… I can’t believe we were pushed into this like that! those idiots!!” Kisame grumbled as he walked with you under the hot sun of Suna. This was no place for a shark and he was at a complete disadvantage in an area like this. The sun and dry air irritated his skin and he was already fully hostile because his daughter was there with you.
You sighed “I’m sorry Kisame. This is all my fault. I want the one who convinced Madara sama to use this path and now I am stuck exploring it, putting you both in danger!!” You snapped and stopped as d/n started to cry while you were holding her. You opened your cloak the reached for your bag and took out a bottle full of water and handed it to her to drink. You touched her skin and it was still alright with no signs of heat stroke or dehydration. Kisame titled his straw hat up and pointed to a shaded path in the valley "Let’s head there…. the shaded path is better for us in this unbearable heat” Kisame spoke and palced his hand on your shoulder “And don’t blame yourself for this alright? Madara is just being a dick”
You gasped “Kisame! Watch your language in front of d/n”
Kisame smirked “Sorry, you know that I get pissed off when my skin dries up…I’m scared that if we get attacked I won’t be able to protect you if there wasn’t any humidity around”
You smiled and reached for your satchel to take out a scroll and toss it to him “You silly fish… you think I would come unprepared”
He looked at the scroll and opened it seeing it was storing scroll with the kanji for ‘Ocean’ written in the center “You bought an ocean with you!!! The hell did you get this from?” He asked confused but with a growing smirk on his face.
You chuckled “I bought it off a little girl from konoha… she was carrying some cool storing scrolls with all sorts of stuff. Not all my trap equipment are stored neatly in a small bag along with d/n’s baby stuff!”
He laughed “So you are telling me you can summon pacifiers now haha you are something else y/n. god I love you so much” He said laughing to himself as you reached the shaded path and a cool air hit your faces making you both smile. “Finally” You sighed. Kisame stopped taking off his hat and looking up at the two mountain sides of the valley making sure there wasn’t any coming storm and looked at you “Let us rest here a bit before continuing…walking in the heat for 5 hours straight took its toll on me. You agreed and sat down placing d/n on the ground for her to touch the cool sand while you took the water bottle from her and opened your pack to take out some water for Kisame.
He sat in front of d/n and smiled “we will be out of here in a day d/n…so just bear with us oka- ouch!!!” He gasped as d/n bit into his arm.
You laughed “Aww Kisame they are just love bites. Now you will feel my pain hehe”
Kisame smirked “I’m just sad because I can’t bite her back” He said and you both laughed enjoy the occasional soft breeze.
There was absolutely no way that Itachi was going to leave s/n to stay with ‘uncle Pein’ or Konan or Kisame. He would rather watch the entire world burn than have his son alone with S-rank criminals. On the other hand you completely refused to have Itachi go into that valley alone, there was no way in hell you were going to allow a person with breathing problems to go to a land full of dust and sand. So the two of you compromised and decided to go together and finish the mission as fast as possible.
You strapped your baby to your chest and unwrapped your rinnegan then walked with Itachi down the hall of the hideout ready to go. Pein stopped you “Y/n you can’t possibly be expecting me to allow you to go out there with the child” He said grabbing the attention of the rest of the members. Most of them were shocked to see your rinnegan and even more shocked you were taking an infant to Suna.
You sighed “We already made our decision Pein sama”
Itachi frowned “You need to have more faith in us leader… we aren’t running off if that is what you were thinking” Itachi said directly reading between Pein’s words and fake concern on the child.
Pein stepped aside and the two of you exited the hideout. Kisame looked at Pein “You want me to follow them?”
Pein shook his head “No…they will be back. I’m sure”
Kisame nodded and the rest of the members just watched making up their own conclusions as to why you were leaving with Itachi and why Pein cared so much and how you acquired the kami’s eyes.
You reached Suna and entered the valley as Itachi held s/n to let you rest. s/n was giggling and happy to see all these weird landscapes that he wasn’t your to seeing and Itachi cupped a bit of sand and let s/n touch. “Itachi careful… he will try and eat that”
Itachi chuckled “He won’t… you know. this all seemed like a bad idea at first but now that I see how happy he is to be outside, I kind of like this outing…like a family trip” He said making you laugh. You kissed his cheek “You are too cute Itachi… I guess that is why I fell for you”
He smiled but a strong gust of wind blew and he quickly pulled s/n face towards his chest to protect his eyes from the dust. You looked around and pulled Itachi hand taking him behind a big rock to cover from thee strong wind. “That was sudden… Suna is such a scary place” You said worriedly and waited until the wind stopped. Itachi handed s/n to you so that you can wrapped him back up onto your chest and close up your cloak to protect him in case the wind blew again.
“They say a land like this contains a lot of underground paths… I think that is why it is a passage into Sunagakure”
“So you are saying the entrance isn’t the valley? It is a cave within it?”
He nodded and pointed to cave on the top side of the mountain “Some may have a dead end but it beat staying out here in the open wind all the time”
You nodded “Alright let’s go”
(Lost the old one 😔 it has been written from memory)  

Pein requested that Zetsu head out on this mission to help facilitate Deidara and Sasori's mission. Seeing that your man wasn't quite fit for the harsh environment that Suna had, you decided to tag along and guide him into the desert. It was in your best intrest to take down gaara, so your plot and the Akatsuki's seemed to have overlapped.

However s/n couldn't be left alone with the other white Zetsu's. The clones were not human which would also mean they don't have the skills or humane empathy to care for an infant.

Black Zetzu assured you that you will be safe, since if anything happend, he could simply teleport you back home. So the two you set out one early morning with s/n strapped to your chest.

"**How well do you know these parts y/n?**" Kuro asked trying not to sound too worried

"My mother used to train me here around these parts. We would tell my father we were going shopping in the capital and what not, when infact she would bring me here and teach me some survival skills" you said with a small smile.

"Your mother sounds like a smart and strong woman. Just like you **reminds me of my mother**" he said

You smiled shyly " I'll take that as a big compliment. Hopefully nothing goes wrong on this mission"

Zetsu nodded placing his hand on your waist, pulling you closer "We won't allow it no matter what **you are my prized possessions**"

"Let's take the rocky terrain instead of staying on the sand. It is getting too hot and insects and snakes will begin to surface for food soon" you said as a true daughter of the sand. The plant man agreed jumping after you towards the rocky path.

“Son of a bitch y/n!! be gentle!!” Hidan snapped as you popped his dislocated shoulder back in place.
“I thought you liked the pain” You pouted and he frowned “The pain I like is self inflicted! Plus just because I like it doesn’t make me less susceptible to feeling it! This hurts like a motherfucker!!”
You sighed as he got up putting his cloak back on “You can walk around with blades stabbed into your body but you say I’m harsh in handling you?... I think you guys just like to be overly spoiled around me” You said and he opened his mouth to yell but Tobi walked in holding s/n and the jashinist changed his mind and left. Tobi chuckled at Hidan’s angry look and turned to you handing you the small boy.
“Does y/n chan have a minute to talk?” Tobi asked titling his head
You nodded placing s/n on the nearby chair and turned to clean up the blood Hidan had leaked into the room “Go on Tobi”
He closed the door “Obito san isn’t here so it is just me, guruguru san” He whispered and hoisted himself on the table to sit swinging his legs around.
You smiled and looked at him “And what might you need?”
“Obito san said he wanted to meet you in Suna for a mission. He will be gone for a while and is worried about Pein sama and Konan chan’s intentions~ hehe, So he wants you to be with him during that time”
You frowned “On a mission with him?...What about s/n?”
“You bring him with you and leave at midnight with Obito san before anyone sees you”
You sighed “What has Obito done that's got Pein and Konan so riled up about me?”
Tobi chuckled and titled his head to the side “Tobi can’t say, because it is Obito’s orders and Tobi is good boy”
“You are too cute Tobi ” You smiled and kissed his mask where his cheek is then carried s/n up and headed to your room to pack your things. You did exactly as he said and Obito appeared at night in your room and teleported the three of you to Suna then filled you in on the mission. You tensed up a bit but knew that Obito wouldn’t let anything harm you or s/n so you followed him blindly into the valley hoping it would be a short trip.
As soon as s/n laid eyes on Obito, he squealed and started to squirm out your grip to hug him. Obito smiled and took the child in his arms raising his mask to kiss the child’s forehead “hey s/n are you excited to see daddy?"he said nuzzling against his child's neck making s/n giggle"

"Let's take higher ground and walk along the valley's side in the shade I don't want s/n to get a heat stroke"


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