Meeting konoha shinobi 2

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This was requested and it was on my list to start with (for story reasons >w>), so hope you like it~


You held your umbrella as you strolled down a small path in the land of rivers. Nagato had a few missions there and took you with. This place was like a rainforest but the rain never troubled you, as long as it was warm enough to walk because after all, you were born in Ame. Unfortunately for you the wind was stronger than usual today and you ended up losing your umbrella into the wind. You sighed “Just my luck”

You hurried to be able to catch it until it vanished between the trees. You pouted angrily and stood under a tree to protect yourself from the rain “Why do bad things happen to me” You sighed until you heard a familiar voice.

“Ano Oneechan… do you need any help?” a blonde boy said dropping from the trees in front of you making you flinch and smile “Uzumaki boy! Is that you?”

He titled his head “hmm…Ohh!! You are Miko chan!... hm what was your name… it was so long ago dattebayo” He chuckled making you smile “It’s y/n… you must be Naruto”

He smirked widely “I didn’t really recognize you because you gotten so fat”

You laughed “I didn’t get fat dummy. I’m pregnant” 

He gasped in shock “b-but you are a Miko!”

You nodded “Well… I settled down and decided to start a family…but I still believe in the kami”
He smiled and looked around “I think I saw your umbrella somewhere around there… I’ll find it for you”

You bowed slightly “Thank you so much”

He chuckled shyly and then jumped up into the trees. After a few minutes he dropped back with the umbrella in his hand.

“Thank you Naruto. I don’t know how to repay you” you said making him blush and rub the back of his head “Don’t worry about it maybe you can repay the favor someday, since we seem to meet by chance hehe”

You got an idea and smiled, then reached for your pocket taking out a kunai and cut a bit of your ribbon then tied it around his wrist “This way I’ll remember who you are when I see it…You are growing up so fast that I can barely recognize you” You said making him blush darkly “T-thank you Onee chan” He said and then looked at the end of the road “Y-you want to go eat?” 

You smiled and nodded opening your umbrella and pulling him close “Sure my treat” 

He looked at you excitedly “YOU ARE THE BEST ONNE CHAN! DATTEBAYO!”



You were at an Inn resting up after your mission and Hidan was on his mattress napping next to you as you played with his hair. Kakuzu walked in and sat down “I’m surprised you can still fight up until this point…You earned a bit of my respect” 

You laughed “only a bit?” 

He nodded “You are still with this idiot, so that is something I look down upon”

You smiled then got up to stretch and placed a blanket over Hidan “Well it is almost time for me to take my meds… I need go find something to eat” you said then walked to Kakuzu and opened your palm. He sighed reaching for his wallet “I can’t believe I’m paying for this child’s food while that fucker sleeps… I’m owning half a share from the child understood?…when it is old enough to make money, I’m exploiting it to take back what I lost, plus interest”

You laughed taking the money from him “Well you are going to be my kid’s legal guardian after all if something where to happen to us” You said and left quick before he could realize what you said. 

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