The Devil's covet Valley 2

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For the people who think my writing is full of punctuation mistakes and judge me for it-> You should know that English isn’t my first language, I write these chapters in the only 2 free hours I have each day which are my breaks at work…etc, and third I accept constructive criticism, not plain rude criticism (because there is a difference in the type of approach you make)
I’m shocked and upset by the nerve on a certain person while I pour my heart out in the chapters. **GRAMMAR NAZIS CAN STOP READING, IF THEY ARE TRIGGERED BY TINY COMMAS BEING MISPLACED**
Thank you :’)
Continuation to previous chapter 
You and Nagato walked into the rocky cocoon, carefully stepping into the dark, watching for any loose stones that littered the ground, which could make you slip or trip. Nagato took out a flash light and heard a dripping sound coming from around you. You looked up at a ceiling seeing water droplets dripping into a few puddles.
“I think we found an underground water basin” Nagato spoke looking at sharp formation of the rocks that have taken years of constant water drips to form. 
“Ame!” D/n said and you both laughed “Now I know why she wanted to come this way… she must’ve thought the dripping sounds and scent of humidity were rain, like in Amegakure” Nagato said and you smiled “Well this is better than the heat out there…just watch your step because these type of stones are really slippery” 
He nodded and you held d/n tight, placing your hand on the wet cave walls for support. You stopped seeing carvings on the walls of the caves; they looked really ancient and depicted a group of people living in these caves. You looked at them closely, until you spotted a weird symbol “This looks like the symbol of the clan I told you about that used to live here and disappeared in the war. I think this is where they settled” You said and continued to walk until you heard whispering deep in a semi narrow tunnel ahead of you.
 Nagato stopped you and turned off his flashlight noticing there was a soft light coming from the tunnel, as if the cave was inhabited. He motioned for you to stay while he investigated and walked inside the tunnel preparing himself for the worst case scenario. Much to his delight, the whispering was merely the sound of multiple squeaking bats that hung upside down inside the cave and the light was merely caused by a small opening at the top of the cave, that flooded the warm sand formed rocks with a soft orange light. “Y/n the coast is clear…Just a few bats and some holes in the ceiling” he assured
You relaxed and decided to follow him in but, as if on cue the ground shook a bit and the narrow path closed making you sprint over trying to pry it back open. Nagato panicked seeing that you were locked out and slammed his fist on the rocks “Y/N! Are you still there? Are you alright?”
“I’m fine but the tunnel had completely collapsed” you called out from the other side as d/n whimpered in your arms from the loud noise. 
“I’ll try to break it” Nagato said preparing his fist but you called out once more “No! Don’t do that…sand formed rocks are fragile! This could cause the entire tunnel to cave in on us… I see another route; I’ll take it and meet you outside”
He moved away from the rocks and sighed “Alright… take care of yourself please… Both of you”
“We will”

You were walking in the dark close to Hidan, watching the ground you were stepping on carefully, afraid that scorpions will crawl up from the sands towards S/n.
The baby boy squirmed in your arms and started to whimper. <**y/n I sense something**> You sighed stopping and Hidan stopped as well looking at s/n “What’s wrong? You changed him a minute ago...Is he hungry? " 
You sighed and undid the straps so that s/n could move his arms. He probably felt stiff from being tied to you all day. “He is just tired that’s all” You said and Hidan looked up at the sky seeing the bright moonlight shining down on you. “Oyy y/n?” 
You sat s/n on a rock to rest “Yeah Hidan?” 
“In the desert, can you normally see big dark clouds in the sky at night?” 
You looked up at the moon hoping it wasn't a rainy night or some monsoon and your eyes widened in horror at the sight of the moon getting covered up with a giant wave of sand. “Hidan that is not a cloud!!” You yelled and grabbed s/n quick in your arms, as he started to cry loudly and sprinted to take shelter with Hidan under rock.
 The sand wave blocked out all the light and smashed onto the ground moving all the sand under your feet, forcing countless of scorpions to crawl out at the sudden movement, making them scuttle up your legs. You didn’t care about getting stung because of your immunity, but s/n was now crying his heart out. To make things worse, the entire stone wall fell towards you. Hidan panicked and kicked you away from the falling boulders then jumped back himself avoiding the collision. You got up kicking off the scorpions and hugged s/n tight, trying to calm him down as the dust cleared and the moon shone once more. Your eyes widened seeing that the Valley had changed its shape and now there was a giant mountain like rock separating you and Hidan 
“Uhhh Shit!! Yes I’m here! This thing smashed onto my fucking leg!!” 
You felt your heart sink and looked up in panic “ I think I can climb up and meet you on the other side!” 
“No Don’t do that the rocks fell all around me and blocked out the fucking sky like a cave… but I see a tunnel just ahead. Go in the same direction we were going in… I’ll meet you there. it is bound to have an exit at some fucking point” 
“Alright… if something happens and you hit a dead end we will wait for each other back here alright?” You said 
“Okay….Oh and y/n”
“Don’t worry baby we will get out… It is just a stupid accident alright?...Don’t stress out and go demon mode on s/n”
You teared up and nodded “Alright”.
S/n was whimpering and rubbing his face into your neck as you rubbed his back gently kissing his neck then continued to walk down the newly formed path.

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