Part 14 How Did You End Up Here?

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It was early morning and I had just woken up. I didn't feel the same. I am so confused right now with these feelings for Jimin.

"Morning Y/n." Jimin says with a happy smile on his face.

"Good morning, Jimin." I say, trying to act normal.

"Jin stopped by and wanted me to tell you that he got us some food to eat and that you'll understand why he got you this. Here." Jimin hands me some bread and juice. I couldn't help but laugh.

"So he got me what I asked for."


"Oh, it's hard to explain."


"Sorry." I begin to eat.

"How is your wound?" He asked while touching my head. I flinch a little.

"It's better." I say quickly and move a bit away.

"That's good." He starts eating his food and I can't help but just feel so weird.

"Hey, do you think we could go up to the roof?" Jimin wants to go to the roof?

"I guess it's ok."

We head up to the roof, sit down on some bricks and make ourselves comfortable. Although, I couldn't be any more uncomfortable.

"Hey, can I ask you something and you don't need to tell me but... how did you end up here?"

"Oh, um, it's kind of a boring story."

"It's ok if you don't want to tell me."

"No, I will... but where to start. I guess I'll start from where I can remember." I clear my throat and begin.

"I grew up in, let's say, the better part of Seoul but one day my parents borrowed money off some people. I can't remember the name but they couldn't pay it off so they had to move to this place. Then my parents both got addicted to drugs so... they never paid the loan off. Even when my parents did get money, they would just go buy drugs. I was young so I didn't know that until I was older."

"How young were you?"

"Um, probably around 4. I can't remember past that time but I assume I've always lived here."

"You were so young."

"Yeah, anyway my parents would fight on who would get the cigarettes for the day... or the alcohol. It got really bad sometimes. But the worst part was when they were high or drunk, they would blame their problems on me."

"How so?"

"They called me a mistake and said I should have never been born. That when I reach the age of 7, they would sell me for money so they could afford a better life and make up for the years that they had me. They were both saying silly things so it never made sense to me but I got what they meant." I paused for a moment making sure I didn't cry.

"When I came to the age of 6, I realized that they already lost their minds. Every night they came home and abused each other over the stupid things. Once they finished, they ganged up on me and would hit me or kick me out for the night and I'd be left outside."

"That's horrible." Jimin looks at me with sad eyes but I still looked at the floor.

"It didn't get any better. By age 7, they did what they said they'd do. They sold me for money. The family was nice but they weren't much better. They left me alone and made me do house work." I could sense the sadness in the air.

"It stayed like that for 6 years so little 13-year-old me still did what she was told. When I was older, they made me do different things like go to the store to buy them drinks. I was fine with it until they once accused me of stealing some money. They threw me out and I was left for the street."



"Do you still want to talk about it?"

"Well, I'm not going to leave you on a cliffhanger. Anyway, I lived on the streets for 2 years, I learnt to steal and found I have a good talent for pickpocketing. That's how I got money to pay for things."

"Did you have a place to stay?"

"I would find old houses to sleep in for the night but the older teens would kick me out the next morning. So I basically lived outside in the cold. I would watch people fighting in the street and that's how I learnt how to fight. I wasn't very good so I would find objects to use."

"Like the glass bottles," he said.

"Yeah, like glass bottles. So I was what you called a solo thief. I would steal on my own which wasn't always good because groups could easily steal what you stole."

"When did you meet Jin?"

"Um, I met Jin when I was 15. Just before I met him I still stole from people by myself. The day I met him, I was stealing from a group of people but they caught me and beat me up. They left me there to die. I had thought they all left but one stayed behind and he just helped me. He told me that his name was Jin and I was a horrible thief."

"Oh that's how you met Jin."

"Were you expecting something different?"

"No, I just didn't think that's how you met."

"Yeah but he just kept sticking around. He said he found it funny watching me fail to rob people. He said he would help me out and he just never left."

"Would he have said something if he wanted to stop?"

"Probably wouldn't leave because to him, I'm the one who always asked for his help and I would be helpless without him." We both laughed.

"And then I rented an apartment and he and I just steal from people to live our lives. That's pretty much it up until I met you."

"What were you doing that day... when we met?"

"Um, I think I was just walking around the streets."



"Are you happy with your life?"

"It could be better but someone had to get this life. It may as well be me."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it's not your fault... Do you want to head back inside now?" I asked.

"I'll be down in a sec."


Jimin pov

Y/n heads down. Her story is so sad. All of this happened because of that loan. Then I remember something. My family wasn't always rich. How did we get that rich? Then I remembered that when I was younger, my father started a business where he would give people a loan but the people had to pay back way more than they borrowed. It would make families broke and send them to places like this.

My eyes widened in fear.

Did my father do this to Y/n's family?

Pat 14 End

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