Part 12 She Lied To Me

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Jimin's POV

"JIN!" I say in shock.

"What are you doing here and where is Y/n?"

"Oh, she is fine. Just too busy to drop you off herself." He smirks.

"What do you mean? Have you hurt her!" I want to grab him but I know I don't stand a chance.

"No, no, no. Why would I after all she asked me to do this? He says looking at me laughing.

"No! You're lying. She would never. She promised me." I feel so hurt I want to break down.

"Oh poor gullible Jimin. Don't worry, I'll get you home safe."

"Home. Wait. No, you can't take me back there. Please."

"But I can and I am. Y/n's orders." How could she?

"Well Jimin, I hope you enjoyed the few days you had of freedom because now you'll stay locked away forever."

"Why are you doing this?" I let out a few tears.

"You brought it upon yourself when you ran away from home." I continued to cry.

"I feel sorry for you." He said while giving a little smile.


"Because you never stood a chance in this tough world let alone having a chance with Y/n."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I saw the way you looked at her that night. The way you so quickly defended her when she was in trouble."

"You were going to hurt her. I had to." I got more angry every time he opened his mouth.

"Haha, you thought I was going to hurt her. Never. We grew up together. I could never."

"Or you just couldn't bring yourself to."


"You like her just as much as I do. But you are just a stupid, dumb jerk who doesn't deserve someone as good like Y/n."

"Oh shut up! Can you not hear yourself? Do you not remember she was the one who handed you in. She made the excuse up about going to the store to buy food."

"Stop!" I feel all the tears coming back.

"While she was gone she contacted us to get you and bring you back home. She only protected you to gain your trust but she never cared about you."

How could she do this to me? Deep down I knew she couldn't have but I slowly lost faith because in the distance I could see my father's mansion.


I regained consciousness and saw that I was in a house but it wasn't mine.

"Ouch." My whole body was in pain.

"What happened to me?" Then I remembered what happened.

"Jimin!!" I try to stand but it's pointless.

"What do I do?" I lay on the ground feeling defeated.

"I'm probably in Jin's place. That's why it's so messy. Haha." I make myself laugh. But soon the laughter turns into small tears.

"I'm sorry Jimin."

Part 12 end 

Next two parts are going to be a part 1 and 2. Stay tuned.

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