Part 10 Stop Being Stupid

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"What!" you said.
"Y/n I'm not stupid. I've seen him twice now. Who is he? Jin asked, pointing at Jimin behind the table.

"Oh, he's no one. Just a guy who is in my house." You tried your hardest to think of an excuse.

"Just a guy who has been in your house for what... 3 hours now. Wow! He is some guy." Jin said sarcastically.
"Y/n who is he?" Jin looked at you with a serious face.

"He is-" What do I say? I can't say he's Jimin. All Jin will do is hand him in. Ahhh I can't think.

"What. You're quiet now. Well, if you won't talk then I'll make him."

Jimin POV
The man pushes Y/n out of the way and walks towards me. I back away from him but he reaches his arm out and grabs my shirt.

"So who are you?" He pulled me close to him looking dead serious in my eyes.

Y/n: "Jin stop! He's none of your business!" Y/n tries to pull Jin off but he pushes her, making her trip and hurt herself.

"Y/n!" I shout
"So you know her. Some random guy he is Y/n." He said glaring at her and then me.

"So we know each other what's it to you." She said trying to stand up.

"If you don't tell me who you are things will get messy" This guy wasn't joking he would likely hurt me or worse.
Y/n tries again to stand but there is no way she can.

"Can't you see she's hurt," I say to jin and he looks at me. "If you care about her then you would help her" Jin let's go of me and shoves me a bit. He goes to Y/n and helps her. She takes his hand but then shoves it way once she is stable.

"What's wrong with you?" She says to Jin.

"What's wrong with you? You're having so much trouble telling me who this kid is."

"He's just a friend."

"A friend you've never mentioned before!"

I had to step in to help her. I walk over to them stepping between Jin and Y/n facing Jin.

"She is hurt. Haven't you done enough for one day Jin. Maybe you should leave" Jin looks at me.

"Move kid this doesn't involve you."

"No. Stop trying to hurt her," I say  he grabs my shirt but suddenly.

"JIN! I suggest you stop being stupid and leave before I do worse.

" Y/n had just punched him in the face. He looked at her then me.

"Y/N!" He walks up to her.


"If you won't tell me who he is then I guess I can't truly trust you" He turns around and leaves through the window slamming it behind him.

"Are you ok Y/n" I ask her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you ok?"

"Yes, but I'm more worried about you. Is your leg alright" I bend over to look at it. She moves her leg away and tried to walk she trips a bit and I catch her.


"Y/n you're, hurt you can't walk. Let me help." I helped her to her bed and she sat down.

"You need to put something on it. Like ice." I race to the fridge. There was really nothing in it.

"Y/n there is no food."

"Yeah, it's been like that for a while."

"I should get some ice for you."

"Jimin you can't, don't you remember people are looking for you." I had forgotten all that was on my mind was helping Y/n

"It's fine Jimin I cam walk it off. I've had worse you know."

"What do you mean?"

"I had it bad back when I was a kid. So i can handle a little fall."

"Ok, but I'm still going to look after you. So get some rest for tonight." I say looking at her

"Jimin, really it's ok-."

"No! Just rest. The more sleep you get your leg will heal faster."

Soon enough she had fallen asleep. I slept on the floor at the end of the bed. It was uncomfortable but I really didn't care. I cared about making sure Y/n was in good health.

Part 10 End

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