Part 3 If Life was Different

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Y/n pov
I sat there looking at the city lights view and I thought of how much better life is for those people and how jealous I am of them.
"This place is a dump I wish I could get out of here" I mumbled to yourself. "Oh well the big city of Seoul itself isn't all good either, but it's better than here"
you headed back down to your apartment to try to get some rest for tomorrow and think of how you can pay your rent off as well.

Jimin's pov
After I was dismissed from my father a different maid from before took me back to my room where I am supposed to stay for the rest of the night until dinner. "I hate my father" I said to the maid but she just ignored me and started to clean my room even though it wasn't messy.
So I started to stare outside my window again to look at Seoul.

"Maid does my father just expect me to just live here for the rest of my life" I said angrily to her.

"I don't know Young Master I'm just here to work." She said coldly and the started to leave
"If you were my parents would you let this happen to me?" I say before she leaves
"Young Master, if I was your parents I would tell you the truth about the city of Seoul." And with that, she left but I didn't understand what she meant by "the truth of about Seoul." Was father lying to me?

Next morning

Y/n pov
"Y/n, y/n wake up." I woke up to a familiar face talking to you.
"What do you want Jin? I'm trying to sleep." I mumbled at him. He just stood there waiting for me to get up.
"It's rush hour for mugging, let go"
he was dragging out of your bed to the stairs outside the building. "Wait what are we going to do rush hour means there are too many people that can see us and stop us." You said
"It's fine there are already around 25 other gangs out there mugging we won't be noticed if we stay low. Plus you have to pay rent today."
You forgot all about having to pay rent today. Jin and you both started running to find a person far away from the crowd so no attention was brought to you two.

Back to Jimin pov
What did the maid mean by the truth? How could father lie to me about the outside world? I was going to confront him about this right now.

I rush into his office and start yelling at him.
"HAVE YOU BEEN LYING TO ME THE WHOLE TIME ABOUT WHAT'S OUT THERE!" I was so angry at him I couldn't hold my rage in.
"What are you saying get your self together. Why would I lie to you" My father was acting so calm
"Dad, just tell me. Is the outside world as bad as you say it is?." I say begging him to just tell me the truth. It was an awkward few moments until he spoke.
"Son, if I told you the truth to everything you would never want to leave me."
"But you lied about it being a scary place full of bad people." My father just stayed quiet and all I could feel is the rage building up inside of me.
"Why did you lie to me?" I asked him one more time but he avoided the question.
"Why do you ask so many questions about that place. If you want to see Seoul that much just look outside your window just like you always do. Now Jimin you are dismissed. Leave."
I headed back to my room and slammed the door behind me. I rand to my bed and started to get emotional.
"My father has lied to me about the outside... but why"
Before I could cry I saw a plane outside of my window. It was flying out of Seoul. "lucky them, I wish life was different then I could travel like them."

Y/n pov (sorry about the jumping from pov to pov)

You and Jin had just finished you 5 mugging of the day. So far you stole $30 from a tourist, Food from school children and their lunch money around $2, A phone from a lost teenager and some jewellery from passing people here and there.
"So did we do good," Jin asked laughing from the fun he had
"Yeah I suppose, but still have to pay the rent." you sighed
"How is this, I'll give you the phone and you can cell it to get enough money to pay your rent for the next few months," he said passing you the phone.
"Thanks that should be enough for the next 5 months so I won't have to worry fo a while. But what about you you're up for payment soon," you said
"It's fine I live with 3 other boys and they do a good robbing to play it off for me," he said and ruffled your hair while laughting
"Good," you say happily
"but you can have the rest of the stuff we got" you passed him the stuff and he just put it in his bag.
"Okay, well see you tomorrow Y/n bye," He said smiling at you which made you feel all warm inside.
"Bye," you replied and started to head home. 

While you were arriving home you tried to turn the phone on because you were curious. You turned the power on and you were lucky it had no password. You just were locking through it until a notification came up that said
"Top 3 richest people who live in Seoul" you tapped on it and it took you to a page of three family's. They looked very rich a certain boy stood out to you he looked around your age he was tall with dark brown eyes and hair you thought he was beautiful.
"who is the" your asked and tapped on the family photo
"The Park Family huh. Oh wait I heard of them there the snobby ones who think they're better than everyone else. But I didn't know that had a son." you stared at the photos of him for a while until you saw someone come and hid the phone away and ran inside the building.

You were sitting on your bed and got the phone out again and looked at the boy. You read the article on the family
"The Park Family are the richest family in Seoul they live in the highest of places in Seoul with the staff Husband, Wife and Son Park Jimin."
"Park Jimin that's his name, well his a lucky one."

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