Going Back Home♥️

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Taina POV*
After lastnight i was up early booking my flight to go back home i would tell branden what happened but i don't wanna put this situation on him we just met and i'm not into scaring him away, i stood up from my bed packing me & malia's things i thought about leaving her behind but i couldn't dear something just wouldn't let me, & i wasn't stressing it; liyah was ready to go too so all this ignorant mess was right on time" i did shoot a text to branden letting him know that i'll be heading out & back home, hopefully i'll be able to see him before i leave if not i know he'll be down to visit soon! After packing me & malia things we were doing our hygiene so we can get ready to go out to breakfast & to this kid jumping play house place; we had 3 in a half hours til our flight' kentrell & them is leaving before us which was better for me! We gathered all our things making sure we didn't leave nothing behind & we left checking out' we were leaving from the rental place i did not want to come back & run into kentrell or no one else in his presence.
2 hours later*
We were heading to the rental place so we can return the car & have time to jump in a uber so we can make it to the airport on time, kentrell, sheronda & montana was not letting up on calling me, i decided to change my # before going back home; i didn't get to see branden but he did tell me he'll see me real soon that made me a lil happy but nervous cause i didn't know how soon! After handling the car we were on the way to the airport i was so happy to be heading back home i missed my mom & my sister it feels like it's been forever. Walking into the airport i felt tired already i hated being around so many people, but i wanted to jump on the plane back home i thought to myself, malia was fast asleep in my hand while liyah was boo loving on the phone with some guy she recently met but i was minding my business thinking bout my boo, & just then my phone started ringing on ft screen* hey bae where are you? you okay & did you make it to your flight? branden asked all in one breath; i just smiled at him before speaking relax cutie yes i'm here & yeah i'm fine just wish i was with you i said blushing' you will be soon don't worry about it & don't stress, call me soon as you land he told me before we hung up he gave me butterflies & i couldn't get over how handsome & charming he is! all deep in my thought i didn't hear our flight being called until my best friend tapped me" omg my bad i said before we both started laughing, i got comfortable in my seat & decided to scroll down IG before going to my dm's & seen kentrell had dm'd me
nbayoungboy🔹: you think it was okay to up & leave with my daughter and not say nothing cause you got caught hoe'N around aye say slime i'm gonna see you it won't be long believe dat🐍!!!!
i just exited it, i wouldn't dare let him get to me again that's the point of me moving on from him, i closed my eyes along with malia & when i got up we were landing, i got lil butterflies i was so excited to be back tour with kentrell would have been better if he respected me, but he didn't so i'm here & hope the rest of the tour is safe for him.
* Kentrell POV*
I'm so mad i got up going to see my daughter and she's fuckin gone but i didn't expect nothing less with all that went on lastnight & montana just won't let it go, i lies to my momma and told her they had to rush back home until somebody put out a video from the hotel camera's now she's on my ass too! this embarrassing as fuck i'm tired of this i said to montana i could never do some shit & be low like i'm normal too slime but they wanna make me out to be this bad person every chance they get.
I called liyah to get in touch with taina, can you please put your bestfriend on the phone i just wanna ask something" & she did just that; what do you want malia fatherrrr she said to me" oh this what we doing now? you got mfs pulling camera's you want me in jail? i asked her"excuse me, i didn't tell nobody pull anything i honestly don't know what you talking bout if it's a video of you whooping my ass surfacing the internet i won't mind taking the stand if the cops ask now kiss my ass i don't care about no jail for you she said to me before i heard the beeping noise; that actually kind of hurt my feelings knowing that i'll be away from my kids but especially my daughter, she got me in deep thought i couldn't pay the hotel off cause they already leaked the video & it's going to mess up my image more but everybody make mistakes, i try to do right so bad..

Started Off Young But I Thought We Were 4L♥️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ