Baby M💗

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*Taina POV*
It's been two whole weeks since everything happened! I still haven't spoken to kentrell i wasn't avoiding him but at the same time i was, we haven't bumped into each other nor was we looking for each other" WELL i wasn't looking for him shall i say; I been very active so malia won't get stubborn on me at the last minute, I finished her nursery, got all our furniture i just been doing more baby shopping for whatever i didn't receive at the baby shower everything was so cute & small in her size i couldn't stop shopping💗. My mom, sister & bestfriend  never failed to come over twice a day & check on me they all have keys & sometimes it's annoying but since i'm pregnant i know it's for the best; I was currently omw to sheronda house since she cooked, i know i'll probably bump into kentrell today but i was fine with it. I walked into the house seeing everybody even the devil himself with a pretty girl sitting on his lap, he looked like he seen a ghost i spoke to everyone before walking in the back to find sheronda, i won't even let kentrell see me sweat he always moves on so fast🙇🏾‍♀️. I was so ready to just turn around & walk away but just then i bumped into momma S, she gave me a look i already knew! there's no need i'm fine you know my big self came to eat & get a plate to go then i'll be on my way i told her! She made my plate as i sat by the island like a lil kid beasting to eat her food she know what she does in the kitchen, i was in deep thought before i was interrupted by kentrell & his gf walking in but going through the sliding doors out back i really didn't wanna watch or see them so i'll try my best not to look over, & i did just that, 30 minutes passed & they were still out there but i was getting my plate & heading out, i was finishing up my convo with momma S, as she was now walking me out to my car; Thank you a lot for feeding us i'll call you to let you know when we made it home, okay love ya she said before closing my door watching me pull off. I connected my phone to bluetooth calling my best friend, hey A wyd? i asked her" nothing just leaving work wassup you okay? she asked so sweet, yes i'm okay just wanted you to come stay the night with me i told her! Okay let me stop by the house & get some clothes then i'll be there she responded before hanging up" i decided to go to walmart right by the house so i can get some things in the meantime i had to rack up, i was shopping for new comforter sets, lotion, air freshener, rugs for the hallway & bathroom, i was almost done until i started feeling a sharp pain, i bend over before it went away, okay maybe that's baby moving around in the wrong places i thought i shrugged it off pushing my cart to the line & soon as i got there i felt another pain, i rubbed my stomach breathing in & out softly, i started putting my things on the counter while the nice lady behind me helped me, i was scrolling threw my phone before she told me the price 97.65 i handed her my card putting everything back in my cart & heading out the store, maybe if i walk slow the pains would go away! getting to my car loading it with everything i felt another sharp pain but this time it was worst & right there my water broke, the lady that was behind me so happen to be parked by me omg your water broke, breathe slowly do you have anybody to call? she asked worried"i called my mom & bestfriend on GROUP FT, they both answered in a hurry" mommy my water broke i told her almost in tears sounding like a kid, where are you she started to panic asking 1,001 questions after that ONE question! i'm at the walmart around the corner from my house i told her trying to stay calm, can i drive to you i asked her, " no" her & the unknown lady yelled together😂 i stood by my car waiting on my mom or my bestfriend whoever come first, i called sheronda & my midwife they both said they'll meet me at the hospital i was nervous but excited for malia's arrival but i was really second guessing her LAST name more then ever! My best friend pulled up not even parking all the way before she rushed to my side helping me in her car, locking my doors & pulling off before thanking the lady that helped me" i'll send for ya car but rn that's not important she told me & i agreed. She rushed me to the hospital almost scaring the damn baby out of me, i never even knew she can drive that fast i said giggling more to myself, once i got in there they rushed me to a room checking to see was everything okay with me & the baby, i was dilated 6cm already, where's my phone i asked hunched over in a lil pain , my best friend passed it to me; i scrolled looking for kentrell number before calling him, sorry to disturb you it's T btw i'm in labor i told him, okay i'm coming "hearing straight aggravation come out his voice so i hung up.Everybody was here with me except him it was becoming annoying but this is what it came to after 3 more hours my doctor was ready for me to push & kentrell still wasn't here, so in the room was my mom, sheronda & my bestfriend! & here i was pushing for malia to come.

* Kentrell POV*
Everybody keep blowing up my phone, while i'm in the middle of tryna get busy, i'm bout to turn this shit off until i got a call from T, wassup i asked her? i'm in labor i'm at the hospital she told me, okay i said before i hung up, i was still getting my shit right before i left, i'll be on time for her to push i know it.
*3 hours later* I jumped up, i fell asleep i know i fucked up this time if i missed the birth of my first daughter & was there for all my sons idk why tf i can't do right by this relationship.

Started Off Young But I Thought We Were 4L♥️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ