Chapter Eighteen

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The next morning you woke up to loud laughing, you could tell it with Eric and Jess. With a hearty stretch and loud yawn you notice that John's arm were still around your waist. You smiled and looked down at his sleeping form, a sigh slipped passed your lips. What a cute dude, how could he like someone like you? You roll your eyes at your dumbass thought. Slowly you get up and shuffle through your bag, time to shower and change. Today you didn't really want to swim at all, just go shopping with Jess and maybe later tonight hang out with John. You wiggle your eyebrows to yourself and chuckle. As you wash up you think about all the neat things you could do today and make up a small itinerary for your day. As you dry off and get dressed you message Jess about your itinerary, she says that sounds cool. 

You walk out of the bathroom and back to John, who was now changing himself. Quickly and quietly, you walk up behind him and smile. You grab his sides and yell a classic rawr noise which was paired with John's girlish scream of, "Ahhhh!" And then the maniacal laughter that left your mouth. He glared at you and pouted, "Why would you do that to me? I could have died!" You keep chuckling as he turns his back to you. You wrap your arms around his waist and sway back and forth, "I'm sorry that I almost killed you." You chuckle lightly and so does he. John turns around and smiles down at you, "I'm going shopping with Jess today, I'm not sure what the guys are doing." He nods slightly, "I was also thinking that we could do something tonight though, just us." He smiles and you laugh softly. "Sounds like a plan to me." He leans down and presses his lips against your forehead, you blush and smile while looking down at the ground.

"No way!" "Um, yes way." Jess chuckles and you shrug, you just told her about everything that happened yesterday and this morning. "Now you and Eric need to get together, then we can go on cheesy double dates all the time.” Jess chuckled and rolled her eyes. You continue shopping and talking about dumb couple and crush stuff until someone runs into you, knocking you to the ground. “I just thought I’d let you know that your little lover-boy isn’t as truthful as you may have thought.” It was Maddi’s skanky voice that made you look up with a glare etched on your face. She had a picture pulled up on her phone, a far away one of her sitting on John’s lap, they were connected by their lips. The glare quickly turned to disgust, you shot up to your feet and backhanded the shit out of Maddi. Making her fall into her cronies’s arms. You stomped away and snatched your phone out of your own pocket. You dialed up John, when he picked up he got an earful of screaming. You were mad because of all the girls to kiss right after getting together it just had to be her. Fuck being upset over a boy that you had barely been dating, you were furious. You hung up before he could even think to get a word in. After a few missed calls from John and a continued shopping trip, you answered a call from Cameron. 

"Hey, Cam." It wasn't much of a greeting, more so a sigh that left your lips. "Hey so what happened to John?" You roll your eyes, of course he'd have someone else call you. "Yeah, he kissed Maddi." The space between your eyebrows scrunched up as you head mumbling from the other side of the phone. "You can't tell me it didn't happen because I saw the sneaky little picture. Thought you wouldn't get caught but the whole reason she did it was get back at me." That's when your voice starts to crack, the tears start to well up. Well fuck, you thought you'd make it at least a whole day of being pissed and not sad. The concern laced voice of Cameron came back just to say, "You should talk to John about that first. You only have Maddi's side of the story and if she's out to get you then why wouldn't she lie?" The thought of her successfully misleading you made you feel stupid but also even more upset. A weak sniffle leaves your mouth and you crackle out an, "Okay." And hang up. Jess wraps her arms around you as you cry for a bit longer until sighing, realizing that if you wanted John's side of the story then you wanted it in person. 

As you were walking out of the mall you spotted Maddi and her bimbo bee squad, they were all snickering at you. So you walked over to them, Jess slowly trailing behind, "Hey, sorry about bitch slapping you. I'm going to go talk to my boyfriend about this and see if it were forced or not. If it was we'll definitely press sexual assault charges on you. Have a nice day!" The car ride back was a quiet one, you ended up looking at a post made by Maddi which was the picture and how John was lucky to have her or something. You screenshotted it just in case, if it was a forced kiss then you will 100% press charges and get a restraining order. As Jess pulls up to the RV you sigh, "Can you just tell John to come out here?" She nods and heads inside. Not a second later did John come out, he slowly walked up to the car. When he finally got to the vehicle he opened the driver's side door and slid into the seat, he turned to look at you as he shut the door. His eyes were puffy and red, tears still welling up. "Explain." You were angry again, but also somehow sad? Seeing him so miserable broke your heart more than seeing that picture, speaking of the picture you pulled out your phone and showed him the screenshot. He sighed, "Today we decided to just hang out at the beach, all the other guys were swimming and I was just sunbathing. I wanted to look more tan because I thought maybe it'd be sexier or something I dunno." A small chuckle left your mouth but you covered that up quickly by clearing your throat, "While I'm just listening to music I all of a sudden feel someone sit on my lap, I figured it was you so I opened my eyes with a smile and saw that it was that one chick that keeps hitting on me. Which speaking of I'd like you to see the DMs she's been sending me since that one night, I didn't want you to see them at all because I thought you'd kill her." There's a small smile etched on his face, you couldn't help but kinda smile too. "I tried to get her off of me but she was so damn oily from sun tan lotion, she felt like a slippery fish I swear." You chuckle again but let it be, no need to hide the fact that he still makes you laugh especially since this all sounds like something Maddi would do. "She kept feeling me up while I told her to stop and that I was dating you now so I didn't appreciate it and then she kinda glared at me, looked off towards her flock of bitches, and then kissed me. I pushed her off immediately, I can promise you that." He sat there and thought for a moment, "Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure all of her friends had their phones out but since I only saw it for a second I didn't think anything of it. I was going to wait for you to come back to tell you what she did, I didn't want to ruin your shopping trip…" he trails off and sniffles, "I guess I should have told you when it happened so that you would have known." His voice cracked as he spoke, small tears started falling down his cheek.

After thinking over his story for maybe about five minutes you sighed, "John, I believe you." He looks up surprised, tears still streaking down his face. "But I also want you to know that if something like this happens again I won't believe you. I'm also going to have a hard time trusting you even if it wasn't you who kissed her." You think for a second, "Honestly just slap the shit out of her or call me to do it." You both chuckle as you exit the car. You walk over to him and place your hands on his cheeks, wiping away all of his leftover tears. He smiles at you, "I don't like seeing you sad…" you sigh and just look at him. Leaning upward you give him a small peck on the lips and start walking towards your temporary sleeping quarters. Everyone was sat around quietly waiting for your return, they were all pretty surprised. Cameron smiled at you and leaned down to your ear, "If you wouldn't have believed him then I would have told you that I saw everything, he really did look disgusted when she sat down on him." You smiled slightly and nodded. Wow how did you manage to get such great people in your life?

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