Chapter Eleven

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As you were walking through the mall with Jess you noticed someone familiar in a hair salon, "Yo, is that John?" You hear Jess speak up. You squinted and nodded, "Yeah, I think he's getting his hair cut?" You watch for a moment, thinking about walking over to him to say hi. The only thing that stopped you was the girl that was talking to him, your eyebrows furrow as you watch her brush hair off of his shoulder and giggle with him. She wasn't the the hair dresser because she wasn't wearing the smock and she wasn't cutting his hair, you sigh and turn to Jess. She had an unamused look on her face and she started shaking her head, "If that's his girlfriend or something then I'm going off." And with that being said Jess started marching towards the scene. Your eyes widened as you realized what she was doing and tried telling her that it's fine and that she doesn't have to do this but instead of listening to you she just walked faster. You try to keep up, repeating that it's fine only to realize that you were already in the salon and John was already waving at the two of you. 

Well now you had to at least say hi to him because if you didn't then it'd just seem rude and feel awkward afterwards. A feigned smile broke out across your face and you waved, walking over with Jess who was also smiling and waving. You both stop at his chair, a sigh leaves your lips as John says a simple hey to the both of you. "Hey…" it was awkward for a sold two seconds before Jess stepped in, "Who's this?" Your eyes widen and you turn to her, John furrows his brows but then realizes she means the girl, she smiles sweetly at us. "This is my cousin Beth." Both you and Jess nod slowly, you stick out your hand as an offering. Beth grabs your hand and swiftly shakes it, man she's got one hell of a grip. "Hi! It's nice to meet y'all!" A smile spreads across your face, you could tell that this girl was from the midwest. She just had that accent, not quite southern but just enough to confuse people outside of the south and the midwest. It's an accent John didn't quite have considering he grew up in Kansas City, only small town folks get the accent.

"You visiting from Missouri?" She smiles and nods, "Yup, I'm stayin' for a bit while on break. Haven't seen John here in a bit, thought I'd spend a day or two with 'im." You nod and smile, "Well it's nice to meet you, Beth." Jess introduces herself and you wait to ask her which part of Missouri she's from, she lights up at the question. "Oh just a small farm town! Near Fulton!" You nod and smile, "North Callaway or Auxvasse?" Her face lights up even more and she starts firing off questions of how I knew what small towns were in Missouri, telling her I lived in the small town of Centralia for two years before leaving with my parents to a different state. At this point in the conversation John had paid for his haircut and we were headed towards the food court, Beth went on and on about how much she loved living on a small farm with her family. The conversation was nice, you kind of missed Missouri, but it was cut short by John's phone going off. "Hey, your parents are here. It's time to head out." Beth nodded and gave you and Jess hugs goodbye and you waved bye to John.

Jess looked over to you, "How did you know she was from Missouri?" A chuckle escapes your lips, how could someone not be able to tell? "Her accent, duh." Jess gives you a confused look, "I thought she was from the south or something." She shrugs it off as you laugh a slight bit. The went on after that, you wasted so much money on clothes you most likely didn't need and ate until you were pretty much completely stuffed. Jess decided the best way to end the day was with watching movies and eating popcorn, oh did you always leave room for the popped corn. As you let Jess pick a movie out you walked over to your microwave, after popping the popcorn inside there was a knock on your door. You quickly put in the time and then answered the door only to see one of Maddi's drones, "What in the fuck do you want?" A sigh leaves her lips, "I can't stand Maddi anymore and I miss hanging out with you, (Y/N)." She said it so quickly that you could barely catch all of it, you glare for a split second at her. If you were being honest with yourself, Kaity was probably the least fake out of all of those girls. You enjoyed her company the most, but you still didn't want to trust her completely. You sigh and nod slowly, "Okay, we can work on our friendship again. Maybe after spring break?" She nods excitedly and ultimately agrees with the thought of starting after break. You bid your goodbyes and you walk back inside.

Grabbing the freshly popped popcorn out of the microwave you make your way over to your bed, opening the bag carefully. You flop down next to Jess and sigh, "I feel like that's going to be a mistake later." Jess shrugs and chuckles, "You never know, maybe she's cool." And with that she starts the movie and you two enjoy the popcorn and each others company. One thing wouldn't leave your thoughts, though. What if Kaity is just as fake as the others? What if she's going to stab you in the back? Should you try being her friend anyways? Then Jess's words crossed your mind again.

You never know.

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