Chapter Ten

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A light knock on the door forced you to stand up and leave the warmth that was John, begrudgingly answering the door. Your frustration leaves and excitement fills your body. "JESS!" You immediately engulf her into a hug and squeeze so tightly that a grunt left her mouth. "(Y/N), I missed you too but you're killing me." She could barely get the words out because of the force behind your squeeze. You pull away and smile widely, "What are you doing here and why didn't you tell me you were coming?!" Jess shrugs, "It was spontaneous, I was driving around missing my bestie and then I went home, packed a bag, and drove here." Your eyes widen, you drag her into the room and shut the door quickly, "You drove? Why? Did your parents get mad?" She chuckles and nods, "They wanted me to get a plane but I thought that maybe since your spring break is coming up in a few days then I'd come here and spend it with you." 

"I forgot about spring break dude… now we can go to the beach together!" You hear a chuckle from behind you and your eyes widen, John is still on the floor. You turn around and look at John, "Should I leave?" You shake your head, "No, Jess has wanted to meet you since I brought you up the first time." He squints his eyes at you, "You've mentioned me?" You shrug, "I was mad at the bar and I called me baby girl and then we were friends and I had to keep her updated." He shakes his head and chuckles, you heard Jess laughing too. "So this is Jess, and this is John." They nod at each other and you smile slightly, this was awkward now. You turn to Jess, "So you're staying here for the next week and a half?" She nods and then you look down at John, who was now standing up. "What are you doing for spring break?" John shrugs and starts stretching. 

"Probably hang out with the Misfits and make videos." You think for a second, "What if everyone came to the beach with us?" You turn to Jess and she shrugs, "If there are cute boys then I'm down." You chuckle lightly and look at John, he shrugs, "I'll ask them today." You nod and turn to Jess, "I have class tomorrow but today we are going to hang out and do fun shit." You hear footsteps headed towards you and you look up to see John, "Imma head out." He scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. You nod and smile, "Okay, I'll talk to you later." Jess moves to the side and you do the same, a blush was already forming on your entire face because of how incredibly awkward this exchange was. Before he walked out the door, John turned back around and hugged you. Your eyes widen but you hugged back, now your whole body felt warm and probably red. He pulls away and smirks down at you, turning and leaving quickly. 

You turn around and look at Jess, who was also smirking at you. "So he stayed the night last night and you guys still haven't had sex?" You glare and start hitting her arm, "That's. Not. Funny!" Each word was said in between a fatal smack to her arm. She was just laughing the whole time which made you even more embarrassed, "I'm going to shower real quick." She chuckles, "Let me hit up that shower right after." You chuckle and walk into you bathroom to go wash away everything that just happened to you. Which was all that you could think about while showering, so you made it as quick as possible.

You walk out with the towel wrapped around you and let Jess take her quick shower, you grab a pair of light gray joggers and an oversized black t-shirt that not only hung off one of your shoulders but was also cropped, you bra strap might have been exposed but what you were wearing was 100% not distracting. When Jess walks out of your bathroom fully clothed, you walk back in and loosely braid your hair to the side. After that you actually looked at what Jess was wearing, she was also in a pair of joggers and an oversized t-shirt. You chuckle, "How did we do this?" Jess shrugged and giggled, "We're connected in ways that not even we can explain."

You decided that going to the mall would probably be the best thing for today, the first stop was the arcade. As you were beating Jess's ass at that competitive Pacman game, some random dudes walk over and try flirting with you two? You weren't sure what they were trying to do because of how incredibly bad they were at it. "You're pretty good… for a girl." You roll your eyes, "I'm sure I'm better than you at that Halo game over there too." You groan as you die and the game ends. Instead of playing into their little competition game thing you start speaking gibberish, trying your best to make it sound like an actual language and putting on an accent that sounded kind of Russian. Jess caught on and started talking back in the same accent and the same gibberish, the guys tried slowing down their speech thinking that help us understand. You walk over to Jess and take her hand in yours and continue to talk nonsense, without even looking at them you turn and walk out of the arcade. You both immediately start laughing when you walk into a different store and relive the moment that happened a few seconds ago.

This week is going to be pretty neat with Jess.

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