Chapter Six

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After eating John stayed for a while at your dorm, playing random games with each other. There's a knock on the door after you die for the hundredth time, you were so bad at this game it was actually ridiculous. You get up and answer the door, seeing that it was Maddi again. Before you can say she starts firing off questions, "Is he here? Did you guys go on a date? Was it fun? Are you dating now? If you guys are you're such a bad friend. Why would you do this to me? You're a piece of shit you know that?" You glare at her, this was so unnecessary. "He's still here, no it wasn't a date, we aren't dating, and how does that make me a bad friend? We had plans before I knew you liked him." She glares at you, "You're just such a bitch." You roll your eyes and turn around, but she stops you. "I want in." You snort and shake your head, "You think I'm going to let you in my room after you not only insulted me but also started acting like the biggest bitch of all?"

She starts pushing the door open, you continue to try and shut it. "He said he wouldn't date you anyways, because you're a raging cunt." She gasps and starts yelling nonsense, you decide that letting her in would be better then the door breaking off of its hinges. You open the door and she steps in quickly, seeing John on my bed she starts to saunter over. You roll your eyes and await the scene that will soon unfold. It will undoubtedly be hilariously embarrassing for her.

John looks up and sees Maddi, he shoots you a confused glance but you shrug. She starts to speak slowly, it was supposed to be flirtatious but it sounded like she was trying to teach a baby how to speak. You chuckle as John just asks what she's doing and she tries explaining to him that she wanted him, this was great. He looks at you, "Uh, (Y/N)?" A shiver runs down your spine, that's the first time he's said your name today, "Huh?" He chuckles, "Who is this chick and why is she attempting to flirt with me?" You shrug and chuckle, "I dunno, ask her." Maddi gasps and looks at John, "What? You don't want all of this?" She motions to all of her body, still trying to be sexy. He just shakes his head and goes back to playing his game.

Another gasp echoes through the room and she stomps out the door, saying nothing to you or John as she walks to her shared dorm. You start laughing hysterically, John joining in on the laughter. You try to stop laughing after a few seconds but you fail miserably, it's impossible to stop laughing to the point that you're double over from your stomach hurting. It takes a hot minute to cease the assault of laughter, you standing there smiling. "Dude that was great, she's such a fucking whore." John chuckles, "Yeah, there's no way I'd wanna do anything with her, I think I got something by just being near her." You giggle and agree.

After a few more hours of epic gaming John decides it's probably time for him to go back to his dorm, you smile sadly due to the great day ending but bid him goodbye anyway. You think back on something that you talked about, whether you should or shouldn't start a YouTube channel. You only know basic editing from a class back in high school but other than that you thought your skills wouldn't match up to any of John's videos or his friends' videos for that matter. John said he'd teach you but you thought that you wouldn't be any good at it, but maybe you should go for it and try it out first. You think about it for a while longer, you watch some of John's videos and think about how he could teach you how to do all of this. You decide right then and there what you should do and pick up your phone, messaging John. 

'Imma start a YouTube channel'

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