Chapter Fourteen

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All of you guys walked as quickly as possible, the beach wasn't nearly as full as you all thought it would have been. As you and Jess set up towels and the cooler, all of the guys went straight to the water after haphazardly throwing their shirts wherever. You chuckled and picked them up, setting them each on a different towel. You walked to your towel and gently placed your clothes on it, stripping down to you cute swimsuit. After walking over to the cooler you twisted open the cap to a wine cooler and started drinking it while walking towards the water, pretty much chugging it when you started growing closer to the water. When you reached the water you threw the bottle towards the towels and got in. The water was cold as all hell but you dunked your head underneath as quickly as possible, swimming around under the water to get used to the temperature. When you popped up out of the water you saw Jaren urging John towards you, with a smirk in place you leisurely swam over to them.

"Hey there, boys." You smile and wave, Jaren smiles back but John nervously chuckles. "Hey, (Y/N). You mind if I drink one of those drinks you have?" You shake you head and simply tell him to knock himself out. John glares as Jaren swims away, the awkward tension grows so thick that you could almost see it. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something, (Y/N)." You look up to John and smile, tilting your head to the side, "Yeah?" He nods and thinks for a moment, "Yeah, uh, do you-" but he's cut off by the sound of Jess yelling your name. You roll your eyes and look over to see her perched up on Eric's shoulders, you sigh simply because you knew what she was going to say next. "CHICKEN FIGHT!" You turn to John and grab his wrist, swimming him over to Jess and Eric. "You really want to do this, Jess? You know you always lose." She starts laughing and rolls her eyes, "Hell yeah I wanna play! I bet I'll win too!" You sigh and turn to John, "Lemme get on your shoulders." He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but lowered his head underneath the water, you hoist both of you legs over his shoulders and as he stands up he grabs ahold of your ankles to keep you balanced. You grab Jess's wrists and she grabs yours, Cameron and Jaren start counting down to 1. You get yourself balanced and ready, waiting for them to yell… and then it happened, "1, GO!" you and Jess start pulling on the other and trying to knock them down. Eric and John stumble quite a bit but both keep stability well, you begin to push on Jess harder and maybe a bit harsher than what you intended but it did the job. Eric stumbled back more than the usual two steps and slipped and fell into the water, Jess falling with him and ultimately losing.

They both popped up for air shortly after that and started laughing uncontrollably. John lowered you back down into the water, when he popped back up you instantly wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You both felt pretty good about your victory, but then someone said it. It should be forbidden, but it's not and its cost you many victories in the past. "Best two out of three you losers!" You glare at Jaren and shake your head. That's when you saw the smirk on Jess's face, "Losers have to kiss each other." Your eyes widened and you look over to John who looks just as confused and shocked as you. Then he smirks, "Well, at least we know we'll win." And with that you got back on his shoulders and Jess back on Eric's, you interlock and wait for the countdown to end. When, "GO!" Was yelled again you start pushing all over again, hoping you'd be able to beat her. It's not that you didn't want to kiss John it's just that you didn't want him to kiss you unless he really, and you mean really, wanted to kiss you too. You push harder each time only to be pushed back just as hard, then you felt it. You felt John start to lose his balance and Jess noticed it too, she pushed on you once again and that was the fatal blow. John slipped and he splashed right into the water and took you along with him. You both emerge through the water and gasped for breath, "Shit!" The cool down period for you two was a mere four seconds and you were right back I'm the stance, waiting once again for the fight to begin. "GO!" Echoed through your brain as you instantly started to push as roughly as possible against your best friend and she was pushing back just as roughly. You felt like you were thrashing into each other, you knew you weren't but it felt like you were. You could tell Eric and John were losing balance way more often than when you first played, you needed to do something to get Jess to fall. That's when the genius plan popped into your head and a smirk played upon your lips, you were going to tickle her. You grabbed her sides quickly and started wiggling your fingers, Jess started to laugh and lean away slightly. "St-stop t-th-that!" She laughed her words and tried pushing your fingies away, you noticed Eric struggling to stay balanced more now than ever since Jess was wiggling and leaning backwards. As you continue your assault you could tell they were about to lose, but you also felt John's balance worsening. You had to take the final blow now. You quickly pushed Jess back even further, slightly pushing yourself back too.


You felt the water engulf you suddenly, quickly going up to the surface after the unexpected fall. You look to see Eric and Jess still standing and laughing, along with Jaren and Cameron. You glared at them, "Fuck you guys!" You turn to see John standing behind you. You're not a bitch so you have to completely any and all dares given to you, so without a second thought you grabbed his shoulders and pulled his face closer to your's. Your lips smashed onto his, you felt his surprise but then also felt him kiss back eagerly. You stand there like that for awhile, just kissing the guy you've been dreaming about kissing. Sadly, you needed air to reenter your lungs so you had to pull away. You looked John in the eyes and smiled, he smiled back. You heard the fake gagging and the chorus of ewwwwws fill the air and chuckled. "Hey, that's what you guys wanted." You shrugged and started to swim towards the sand, John following behind you.

You grabbed another drink and even got one out for John, smiling at him as he took to cold bottle. "So…" John scratched the back of his neck and looked at the ground, you smiled at his cuteness. "So?" He looked up at you and quickly took a swig of the drink, "Did you, uh, like that?" you rolled your eyes and shake your head, chuckling. "John, of course I liked it. You're a good kisser if I'm being honest." You shrugged and looked up at him, he blushed and took another swig. "Oh, uh, thanks…?" Another chuckle leaves your lips and you drink you drink. It gets quiet but not an awkward quiet, you were happy with the situation and wanted more from him. You look into his eyes once again and smile, he looks at you and does the same. You slowly step closer to him, his eyes widen for only a second before realizing what you wanted. You look down and grab his hands, placing them on your waist, stepping even closer. John gulped, he looked so nervous while being this close to you. A devious smirk replaces the soft smile and you lean upwards, softly brushing your lips over his. You them linger there for a moment, only to brush passed his lips and move to his ear. "You're cute when you're nervous, John." And with that, you pecked a small kiss on his cheek, drank the rest of your wine cooler, and headed back towards the water even though it was growing darker out you still had some time to swim. Your smirk never left your lips and when you entered the water Jess started gushing about what you just did to poor little John.

Well this was bound to be an interesting week.

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