Chapter 9

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Ink Comyet's -Point of View-

"What. . . ?" I asked, letting go of him as he whipped away his tears. "I'm sorry. But it's not my fault!" He sobbed. "Why would Blueberry do this?" I asked, pushing away the question of how and why Error became so soft towards things. He never cried or apologized. It makes one wonder. "I don't know, he said he wanted to feel me again and hear me under him." Error stated, looking at the ground in shame.

I get up and headed to the kitchen to leave Error alone for a little while. My vision caught the sight of something rainbow. Looking over I see the floating soul of Error's child. I go over to it and grab it, making sure it doesn't fall or float away somehow. "What are you doing with my child?" I looked back to see Error looking at me in surprise, looking protective also. He walked towards me, fear mixed with confusion in his eyes.

"I'm going to have a talk with my good old pal Blueberry." I stated, opening a portal. I turn to walk through only to see Blue walking towards me, right hand behind him the other helping him step through.

Author's -Point of View-

"Blueberry?" Ink asked in a confused state. "Hello! It's a pleasure too meet you again old pal!" His face fell slightly, stepping through the portal all the way. "But. . . I just so happened to hear your's and Error's conversation." He giggled a little. "So now you know everything bout his pregnancy! The whole shabam! And should also know who got him pregnant I assume. . . ?" Blueberry smirked and shoved his right hand out, an object in his fingers. A knife. Just what Ink needed.

Ink quickly hands Error the soul and turns to Blue with a small smile. "Blueberry. . . Put the knife down, I didn't come to UnderSwap to come and fight you. I came to talk about taking care of the child." Ink states calmly states, taking a cautious step back with Error right behind him. "Well. . . We're not in UnderSwap, now are we?" Ink's eyes widened in realization. He must of forgot that he never left.

Before Ink knew it, four knifes came racing towards his body. Ink shoved Error back and whipped his hand up, a thick wall of black ink catching the knifes. The wall dropped and the knifes clatter against the floor. Blue ran at him, a sadistic look on his face.

"Blueberry please! I don't want to fight you!" Ink pleaded, getting stabbed by Blue's bone attack. "ʂɧųɬ ų℘ ıŋƙ, ყơų ƙŋơῳ ყơų ῳąŋɬ ɬơ ʄıɠɧɬ ɱɛ ɖɛɛ℘ ɖơῳŋ." Blueberry stated. Ink growled, having enough of Blue's temper tantrum. He kicked away Blue, causing Blue to fly back and Ink also with the momentum. Upon getting themselves back up, they summoned gaster blasters. Ink closed his hand into a fist, his blaster attacking while Blue raised his hand up in the air, his weapon firing.

In a flash, the kitchen and living room exploded leaving grass and sunshine leaking through, bricks laying around disguarded. They also put their weight on on the fighters. With a groan and lots of effort, Ink opened his eyes. The soul! He started to look for any sign of Error and the soul. He stood up, removing a brick that didn't follow the others with the gravity of this world.

There stood a figure, holding the soul. "Error? Is that you?" Ink called out to the figure a couple feet away from his body. He waited for a response.

B u t  n o b o d y  c a m e .  .  .

They turned their head towards Ink. Something came racing at him, but he couldn't tell what it was. I was too blurry for him to see. It hit him on his skull, causing him to fall back to the ground, his head pounding in pain. Ink looked at the figure to see them pulling another figure in a portal. Pain over took him, causing his body to go limp and his eyes to flutter shut in peace.

Pregnancy (ErrorInk) ~Book One~ || COMPLETE ||Where stories live. Discover now