Chapter 8

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Author's -Point of View-

Error woke up with a slight start. He looked over to find Ink passed out with the soul between them. He looked around to find clothes hanging above him. Oh right, he was Ink's closet. But something stroke him odd. What happened last night? He was sure it wasn't going to be a answer he would of wanted.

"I need to use the bathroom. . ." Error whispered to himself. He didn't know why, but it seemed to be appropriate. Error stretched his arms out, weary of Ink and the walls encasing him and Ink. He picked the soul up and set it with Ink, hoping for it's safety. He stood and got out of the room, stepping quietly and diligently.

He stepped out to find a maid setting clothes on the bed neatly. "Oh!" She exclaimed, noticing him standing there inspecting. "Hello Mr. Queen!" She greeted with a gentle smile. "What are you doing with my clothes?" Error demanded the maid. "I was just setting them here for you." She stated kindly. "Obviously, but what did you do with my clothes?"

"Oh, I was instructed by Ink to wash them for you and give them to you in the morning. I didn't really know you were. . . In the. . . Closet. . ." She said, glaring at the closet slightly. With a small shiver she looked at Error with a smile. "Anywho! I wish you a good morning!" She bowed at him and went out to carry off with other duties.

Error looked at the pile then back at the ones he was wearing, a decision coming to mind.

Are you seriously going to keep wearing those things?

Change! It would be better for you and me.

Error grabbed the cloth, and without a second thought, he headed to the bathroom to change. Once done, he stepped back out, setting the old clothes on the bed and walked out of the room to explore. He just decided to leave Paperjam with Ink, the soul was in good hands.

Error Queen's -Point of View-

I walked down the stairs, seeing another maid dusting off picture frames on the walls. "God why are there so many maids around here?" I asked in a hushed tone, rolling my eyes. I decided to give myself a tour of the house, walking around the halls and doorways.

Honestly, the house was stunning. I almost want it for myself. Almost. I came across another room and decided to open it, being the nosy person I was. It was locked. Huh, strange. Trying again to ensure that I wasn't being lazy and not trying to really open the door, avail. "Hey! Your not supposed to be there!" A maid called, running towards me with a fluffy dress.

As she stopped next to me, I could see her cheeks flushed. "And why not?" She blushes more, flattening her dress. "It's private to outsiders." She grabbed my hand and led me out of the hallways and other obstacles that I crossed not long ago.

"Would you like some breakfast?" She asked calmly. I nodded a little as she let go of me. I hear the stairs creak. "Ugh. . ." Ink groaned out as he made it over to me, setting the soul on the table in front of me. "How was your sleep Error?" Ink asked, pouring coffee in a cup and adding additionals to it. "Not that bad? The floor was weird, I'm not used to sleeping on carpet." I stated, looking at my child.

"You know you could've slept on the bed." He stated, mixing his drink with a spoon. "I thought Dream was-" He threw the spoon in the sink making a clatter against the metals. "Dream no longer lives here." He blinked, his irises turning white. I nod, ignoring the chill condescending down my spine. "Oh I see. May I ask why?" He blinks again, his eyes returning to a star and a blue oval.

"I caught Dream having sex with Killer in the living room. He said sorry but I didn't believe him and his lies so I didn't accept his apology. And if they were to show themselves in front of me they would be consequences." I nodded a little. I knew Dream and Killer were a thing for about two weeks now, but it didn't occur to me to tell Ink about Dream cheating.

"I'm sorry Dream cheated on you." He shrugged, taking a swig of his caffeinated drink. "It's not your fault." Ink stated, grabbing an apple and taking a bit out of it. He was always healthy, no matter what. Weirdo. "One question." I said and stood up, leaning slightly on the table.

"And what is that?" Ink asked, throwing away the core. Holy shit he eats those fast! "What is that locked room in the hallway?" I pointed towards the direction, the maid quickly made her way out of the room. "How about this, I'll tell you if you tell me who got you pregnant."

"Well?" He asked, a cocky smirk dancing away on his lips. "I already told you. I have no idea who got me pregnant, I was drunk." Ink rolled his eyes. "Don't lie to me Error. I can tell by your eyes. Now who got you pregnant?" Well shit, he's right.

I stared at him. "Fine, I'll tell you what's in the room." He drawled out with a small sigh. "If I tell you, you have to go in there with me." He said getting close to me. I glare at him, causing him to stop and respect my personal bubble.

"It was were me and Dream had some fun, which was ruined because of Killer. But if you and me go in there, we could have some fun too, playing with my 'toys' you know." He said in a whisper-like tone, lightly touching my left shoulder. Toys? I gasped in joy. "There's baby toys in there!?" I asked, wanting to go in there already. Ink froze, turning more white then normal. "Are you alright?" I looked at him strangely.  "I-it's nothing Error, don't worry about it." He smiled at me and walked off.

Ink Comyet's -Point of View-

Alright so he innocent now? That just makes him even more cute! Goddamn it Ink. I should of known. He acts like Reboot a little. Almost of all my friends who are creators or close to be one have lovers.

Reboot and Eraser have been together for a year now.

Template and Pale have got together about three weeks ago.

Template is like Error in a way. But he has the tendency to wonder when me and Error would hook up. But I kept telling him I was with Dream. Template didn't really like Dream, and I could see why now.

Reboot doesn't really care who I'm with, as long as I can find that 'true love' like in the Disney movies where the princess always gets a prince. I let out a soft sigh of longing. "Ink. . ." I jumped seeing Error next to me. "Oh it's just you Error, you scared me to death," He chuckled. "Looks like I did a good job." I chuckled also. I take a sharp intake of breath.

"Sorry about that. . Uh I was going to tell you who got me pregnant. . . But I don't really. .  Have to?" Confusion glistened in the tears in his eyes. "Hey hey. Calm down, you can tell me Error." I hugged him close. "I just don't want to ruin your guys' friendship." He whimpered. Friendship? So a male managed to get him pregnant, great. "I don't care Error, your more important. Now who got you pregnant?"



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