Chapter 5

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"Congratulations Error Queen. You have been awarded of the title, 'The God of Destruction'."

Dreaming. An allusion of the brain to make things that don't exist in the world you live in. And this one was another one. Sitting on a bench in darkness, I watched myself sit between Horror and Lust, fear tattooed on their faces. I don't remember this event in my long life. It's just an allusion, that's all it was. A fantasy.

Opening my eyes I lie in a room, on a bed. When did I get here? How was I here? Looking around to inspect, it was dark, opposite of what I'm used to. I got up slowly, trying to locate the light switch. My fingers lightly brushing against the walls and objects in the room.

My left hand lifted slightly, finding a rectangle fixed onto the part of the wall. Pulling it up like a lever, light floods the room, and my vision causing me to go blind for a moment.

- Inside Of Big Mansions -

((Now I tried to access this website or just look it up but I wasn't able too. This is the link that came from the original book so I'm sorry if it's wrong or if it's not working. And I don't really know what this thing does for the plot line so if your confused just ignore it like I did. I'm sorry media_3676 if it was important.))

I look out the window only to find grass and humans roaming around. What AU am I currently in? Colors sparked my attention, Different clothes. . . ? Who ever changed me must know I'm pregnant then right? Hesitation set in my bone marrow like a wild fire. Backing up, I feel pressure against my back then the object started to wobble and fall.

Turning around quickly, a picture frame was falling against air resistance and flowing with gravity. I tried to catch it but it was too late. It already made it's way to the floor, making a breaking noise. The shelf from before recovering it's movement in kinetic energy.

- G l a s s  S h a t t e r e d -

Well shit. . . That's gotta hurt. I picked it up, thinking it could solve my problems. But to my surprise, it looked like a family photo. Ink. . . Dream. . . And a kid? Was that their kid? They had a kid together? How come he didn't say anything? I was his enemy after all. . . That's probably why.

"Put that down this instant!"

I look over to see Dream, bow out and arrow aimed at me. I slowly put the photo down, slightly holding my hands up like those 'cops' did to to other people, I think they called them. Something about enforcing laws in such. My eyes ever left Dream as I did the small motion. "Dream!" A call came from behind him.

It was none other then Ink.

"Put your bow away Dream, I have him here for a reason." His eyes went to Ink then to me and back to Ink's. It was a motion for 2 seconds until maybe he didn't want to do it anymore, I didn't know. "What kind of reason you would bring this. . . Monster! Here?" Rage in his golden eyelights. Maybe it was betrayal. I didn't really know.

"It's a long story, just put the weapon down." Ink calmly stated as if this were a normal thing for him. Hell, I didn't know that either. Dream took a sharp intake of breath then rolled his eyes, slowly aiming the arrow down and then it disappearing as if it wasn't even there. "Fine." He huffed, stuck up in a way.

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