Chapter 2

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Ink Comyet's -Point of View-

I wanted to talk to Error on why he stopped he destroying. I wasn't really worrying about him. . . OK. . . So maybe I was a little bit. I just have this weird feeling something horrible happened to him.

"Helllloooo?" I yell loud enough for Error to hear me. Going through the portal I see a lot of puppets and souls on the ceiling wrapped in blue string. He sure has a collection of them, doesn't he? I spotted one that looked like me, so, me being me, I grabbed it. It looked exactly like me, every detail and every flaw. I smiled and looked up seeing the words 'the one I hate the most'.

"Wow, thank you. I hate you too." I started to walk around, looking for Error. Soon, I found him reclining on a sofa watching Undernovela. There was a lot of food with him. . . eating them. . . quite quickly I might add.

I walked up to him and stood beside the couch. "Error. . . ?" Error flinched and turned towards me, covering himself with a blanket. "WhAt ArE yOu DoInG hErE!?" He screeched, his voice glitching more then normal. "I came to talk to you."

I then noticed Error had a gaster blaster aimed at me. "Error I mean no harm! I just want to talk. . . !" I quickly stated. "Go away Ink or I will kill you!" He threatened. "Please Error! Let me explain!" I pleaded, hoping Error won't shoot.

He just sat there, his blanket covering him, hand up, staring at me with his gaster blaster. With a heavy sigh, he put his arm down, his weapon dissapearing. "Fine, make the chat quick. I don't want to you to be here for long." He closed his window to Undernovela. I smiled and sat close to him on the couch. Error quickly reacts and pushes himself away along with his gray blanket. "Not that close!" He yells as laugh at him.

I patted a seat next to me, trying to get him to set next to me. He scooted over to me. Close but not that close. "What do you want to talk about?" He said frowning as he covered himself with the blanket, mostly his stomach.

"I just wanna ask why you stopped destroying. I mean it's not like I was worried about you, I still hate you. It's just that I thought you were dead or something bad happened to you so I guess I decided to check on you, and. . . I was worried I just-" Error glares at me. "Ink, that's none of your business. And what happened to me is none of your business either." Error looked away.

"Error I-" He stopped me. "Aren't you supposed to be with your boyfriend 'Dream'?" I stared at him. I was about to say something until Error puked on the ground. Ew! Wait. . . Don't I puke? Nah, it's not the same, I only puke when I'm excited. "Well shit." Error cursed out, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Error are you alright!?" I asked, slightly panicking. I put my hand on his back, but he knocked it off. "Don't touch me!" I frowned. "Look, I'm just trying to help you Error!" Anger seeping into my bones. "You'll make it worse if you don't let me!" I stated.

"I don't need your help! I can take care of myself." He opens a portal. I groan out. "Were are you going?" Seeing Error go though the portal, I noticed that Error got fat. I sigh. Maybe I should just follow him, it wouldn't hurt, right? I quickly follow him through the portal right as it closes.

"Why are you following me Ink?" He asked, stopping his movement. "Why are we in UnderSwap?" I asked, ignoring his question. "I just need to talk to Blueberry, that's all." Error began to walk to Sunnedout, known as Snowdin in this AU. We were able to reach Blue's house without any monster encounters.

"QuIt FoLlOwInG mE!" He yelled, turning towards me. I laughed. "Not until you tell me what happened to you." I said in a serious tone. Surprising, even for me. "If you don't stop, I will not hesitate to destroy this universe." He pulled out his strings. "Why would you destroy this universe if your friend Blueberry resigned in it?" A smirk on my face.

He wouldn't destroy his friend's universe, right? He has to be joking. Then I soon realized he destroyed their mailbox. Oh shit, he was serious. "Error! I thought you were joking!" I whined, going over to the mailbox and began to fix it.

"You know I'm always serious Ink. Now leave me be." He stated, knocking on Blue's door. "I'm staying out here." I informed, sitting on the steps whiping off extra paint that got on me. "Whatever."

Sans Swap's -Point of View-

I came back inside the living room. I peer down at Papyrus' mangled body. Seeing him dead made me feel happy. I did have mental issues, and only Papyrus knew about them. I told him we should of went to Undyne's but he was too stupid to think it would wear off.

"Such a ignorant brother I had."

I heard knock on the front door. Well shit, if they see what I did to Papyrus, I might just end up in his shoes. I look out the near by window to see Error and Ink.



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