Chapter Six

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        Maris looked up at the fort looming before them. Guards walked along its walls and stood watch at it's entrances. The rest of the journey had been quite boring to be honest but now they where at the Fort they could relax. Maris would finally be able to get away from Vilkas without fear of him getting himself killed. Not that she cared what fate befell the wolf but despite her nature, when she made a promise, she kept it.

        Maris placed Shadowmere's saddle over the wall of the stables and ran her fingers down her soft black fur. She looked over to Vilkas.

"Let me check your shoulder" She said.

"It's fine." Vilkas said simply.

"Just let me look!" Maris yelled.

"No!" Vilkas yelled back.

"Stubborn mutt." Maris hissed.

"Milkdrinker." Vilkas snapped.

"Fur ball."


"Excuse me." Came a voice from the stable door. "If you're quite done..."
The two of them looked up to see a young dunmer/wood elf, leaning against the wooden beams, his imperial armour shimmering in the candle light. Suddenly, Maris' deep blue eyes brightened.

"Altier!" She exclaimed, rushing to him and wrapping her arms tightly round his shoulders. She closed her eyes and smiled warmly. The first sincere smile Vilkas had ever seen on her pale lips, even if it was slightly covered by the shadow of her good.

"It has been far too long my dear." The elf cross smiled. Maris pulled away and looked back to Vilkas, who despite himself was scowling.

"You two must be hungry. Come with me, I'll get the cook to make you something. The food isn't very good, mind you but it's edible and fills an empty stomach."

        Maris noticed the weather drop slightly as they walked towards the fort and the setting sun allowed her to take down the hood of her cloak. Her white hair fell elegantly and curled around her shoulders. Vilkas watched her and Altier walk side by side. They seemed odd beside one another. Altier was much taller, despite seeming more youthful, then again it want hard to be taller then Maris. His skin was a deep bluish grey that seemed all the darker beside Maris. She seemed to make everything darker... She seemed also to bring out the bad part of people. He found his eyes falling to the scars on her wrists. Why was it always her who brought out the wolf?

        He wondered how Maris could have possibly met a man such as him. He didn't know why but seeing her smile at him annoyed him. He gritted his teeth and continued to follow them through for Dunstad. Why was Maris acting so sickly and sweet towards this man? She always seemed so bitter and confrontational... Well to him at least.

        They were lead into the hall where most of the men not on patrol were already drinking and eating. Another man approached them. "Legate, You're needed in the second tower." He said.

Altier sighed. "Thank you Hadvar, i shall be with you momentarily." He muttered.

"I'll see you up there." The man smiled. He walked past them and to the door. As soon as he was out of earshot, Maris turned to Altier, her eyes shimmering. 

"Is that him!?" She asked. 

"Yes..." Altier smirked shyly brushing his deep purple hair from his face, his cheeks seeming to darken. He cleared his throat and forced a professional expression back to his face. "So... I hate to have to leave you like this but i have business to attend. Make yourselves comfortable." 

"Thank you again Altier." Maris smiled, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. Altier turned and left the two companions in the midst of the merry making guards. Maris, who was still smiling turned back to Vilkas. Unlike every other smile of hers he had seen, the way her fangs showed was hardly intimidating, in fact her entire face seemed softened. It was like when she was asleep. Somehow it made her seem pure and childlike.

"Who did you say this elf was to you?" Vilkas found himself asking. Maris walked past him and towards the bar. "Oh, he's my brother." She said simply, waving a dismissive hand. 

"Wait, hold on, you never told me you had a brother!" Vilkas exclaimed, falling into step with her. 

"Well, half brother." Mairs added. "And last time i checked, i never tell you anything."

Vilkas snarled slightly. He had never really thought of Maris as having siblings, or even parents really. She was just too solitary. It was like she never really had a beginning, she just appeared as the person he saw now because she certainly wasn't the same as he remembered... 

"You just pop up all over the place don't you lass." Came a voice from behind them. Maris and Vilkas spun on their heels to see a tall, dark ginger haired man, his arms crossed and a sly smile on his lips. Maris seemed to immediately imitate that smile. Why was it that she seemed to know everyone?

"You're one to talk Bryn." Maris smirked.

"And who do we have here?" Brynjolf asked, raising and eyebrow. 

"I was just leaving." Vilkas sneered. He turned and carried on towards the bar. Maris' lip curled in disgust.

"Ignorant mutt." She hissed under her breath as she watched him disappear among the soldiers. She turned back to Brynjolf. "But seriously, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Never hurts to keep an eye on Imperial activity and shipments," Brynjolf shrugged. "And there's just something i love about a well forged document." 

"Should have known." Maris sighed.

Brynjolfs eyes wandered over to Vilkas then back to her. "So is that the wolf you've been pining over?" He asked. Maris scowled.

"What in nocturnal's name are you talking about. As if i would ever pine over anyone! Especially that Mutt!" She yelled.

"You're spending all of your time with those dogs, all that glory and nobility isn't your style lass, there must be a reason why you stay." Brynjolf said.

"Well it's not that fur-ball!" Maris hissed. 

Brynjolf gave her a smug look. "Then why are you blushing then lass?" He asked.

Maris put her hands to her cheeks, not even noticing that she was blushing. Wait, why was she blushing? Brynjolf let out a victorious snort of derision.

"listen lass, If you can stand to be away from your wolf for a few hours, i might have a job for you." He smirked. "Do you have your nightingale armour?"

        Vilkas took the tankard from the bar and drank. Being around Maris so often was really beginning to irritate him. Suddenly, as if provoked by the thought, she slithered her way through the crowd. She seemed so out of place against the men and women in imperial armour. She was by far the shortest in the room and her pale complexion and fair hair made her seem ghost-like, amplified by the way she seemed to effortlessly slip between people and navigate the crowds.

"I have something to take care of, just try and be a good little puppy until i get back alright?" she mocked. 

Vilkas growled. "I'm sure i'll manage." He snarled.

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