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a painful revelation

𝐣𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐨 ఌ


I silently pulled up on the front yard of Yoongi and Jennie's mansion with a straight and emotionless face. I turn of the engine before lifelessly exiting the car and walk towards the mansion.

The door was currently left open so I didn't need to knock. Instead, I lifelessly enter the house still with the same look on my face I had when I exited the car.

Approaching the living room and was able to see the mess around, my facial expression didn't change yet. My brain was unable to process the current state of the house. Instead, I have something in mind.

"Yah, Jisoo-ah! Where were you?! We were worried and you won't believe what happened—"

"Roseanne." I called out the angel's name and ignoring what Taehyung is saying.

The injured angel stood up from the sofa and faced me. Of course, initially I got worried. That was the only time that it hit me and made me curious what just happened while I was gone.

"You know?" ROSEANNE asks with concern in her eyes.

With the way she asked me, my eyes blinked several times. I couldn't believe what I just heard.

"So all this time you knew what really happened to my mom and dad? You also knew the killer and you were there as my makeup artist, yet you did not tell me?!" I said in a sarcastic, low voice.

"What are you saying, Jisoo?"

"What do you mean?"

"Okay, I don't understand."

"Can someone fill me in with what's happening?"

"Jisoo-ah, what do you mean by that?"

All of my friends asked me that question and I understand their confusion completely. But first, I want to receive an answer from Roseanne. I want to know.


"What kind of guardian angel are you?"


𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 ఌ

"As you all had seen, I am not an ordinary being. I am definitely like all of you." She looks down and licks her lips first before continuing.

"I am an angel," ROSEANNE confessed. "Specifically, I am Kim Jisoo's guardian angel."

All of them were taken aback, particularly Jimin who met her earlier than the rest. He also couldn't believe that the person he is crushing on is an angel -- literally.

"You see, Jisoo is also not like an ordinary human. And no, she's not an angel like me. She's still a human, but a special one."

Everyone became interested at what Roseanne was telling them and they all paid attention. Although it was getting weird and stuff like these are very hard to believe, they tried as hard as they could to listen to the angel with an open mind.

"There are two sides that we all know quite well: good and evil. At first it was only good, but because of a sin then evil comes. Everything was in its place and the world was balanced. But the evil became more evil as well. Until they started to desire more. They want to become more powerful and end the good once for all and rule over the humans. To create chaos and make them as puppets and servants for them.

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