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"what are you?"

𝐣𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐨 ఌ


A ringing was heard and it's going on and on for long now that it's already irritating me. I then looked for my phone with my half-asleep eyes. Once I was able to get a grip on my phone, I was forced to open my eyes. I thought it was my alarm going off, then I realized that it's actually a phone call.


"Oh shoot!" I exclaimed as I see my cousin slash best friend's name on my phone's screen as I sat bolt upright and answer the call.

"Ah, Jennie!" I answered with my bed voice.

["Yah, Jisoo unnie where were you last night? I was waiting for you at the airport."] JENNIE said from the other line, I know she's pouting even though I couldn't see her.

I stood up from my bed and got my towel while still talking to Jennie. "I know I know, I'm so sorry. I'll explain it to you when I arrive at your place."

And after that, I ended the call so that I could undress and hit the showers.


"Jisoo unnie!" I heard Jennie's voice called for me as soon as I enter her mansion. I turn around and see her running towards me, Yoongi oppa following her from behind.

Jennie greets me with a big, warm hug in which I gladly returned. As Jennie breaks away from the hug, I also went to Yoongi oppa and we both hugged too. Aside from my brother, Hoseok, and Jimin, these two are the most important persons to me. And I'm really glad that they ended up together and pursuing their dreams and careers side by side. I'll be really happy for them when they get married one day.

"Wait, I forgot that I should be upset with you for not informing me earlier that you'll be unable to come meet us last night." JENNIE said while crossing her arms with a pout.

"I'm really sorry I was unable to inform you earlier. Everything happened so fast and actually the reason why I couldn't go--"

JENNIE cuts me off, "I was kidding, unnie."

"We knew what happened. When Taehyung learned what happened, he was the one who picked us up and told us why you were unable to meet us last night." YOONGI told me as he steps forward a little bit and puts his arm around Jennie.

"Yeah. And do you know how worried I was? We just came back and I heard my best friend was involved in some attempt robbery? If Yoongi and Taehyungie oppa haven't stopped me, I would be going to the police station or the hospital or wherever you are!" JENNIE said, her concern for me was written all over her face and it looked like she was about to cry.

I sighed heavily as I said, "I wasn't terribly hurt. I only got a little scratch right here on my elbows but that's just it. Don't worry, I'm fine. The real victim of the attempted robbery was more injured than I was."

"I heard he is a celebrity rapper. Why didn't he have any bodyguards? Why didn't you have one? Where was your manager? I'm gonna call the management!" JENNIE was about to go and grab her phone but Yoongi oppa was able to stop her.

"Yah, Jennie it's really fine. I was the one who insisted to my manager that she didn't have to accompany me. Besides, I chose not to go. Also if you try to call the management, they'll punish you!" I told her, hoping it was enough.

"Fine. But the management wouldn't punish me. After all I'm one of their best models and their favorite one." JENNIE says with a sly smirk on her face, making Yoongi oppa and I just chuckle with her silliness.

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