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lightness vs darkness

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"Hey losers! Thanks for not inviting us to the party!"

All the people in the living room were in a state of shock as two figures appear before them who came from the now-broken front door.

"Oh, hi! I thought that only the Yoongi guy and Jennie gal will be here but oh well!" LISA says in a high-pitched tone.

"What a nice reunion but it's better if your friend Jisoo is here." JUNGKOOK said.

"Aren't you two the ones we met in the boutique?"

"What are you doing in our house? And how did you find us?"

Although Lisa was able to manipulate them, she cannot remove their memories of them away.

"Oh we come here to-"

"Me and my boyfriend broke up, and our plans are getting ruined because of your friend!" LISA said, cutting off Jungkook in mid-sentence. "Not to mention, I am getting hungry."

With just a blink of her eyes, the dark-brown orbs became a bright red that took the five men and Jennie by surprise. The 6 of them slowly scoots away as the normal-looking woman in front of them slowly transforms into  a not-so-normal-looking anymore.

Slowly, her hands turns to claws and her feet turns into a feet of a beast. Some parts of her skin turns into a black color and fades into vein-like structure. Lastly, her teeth becomes razor-sharp as if it belongs to a predator. Who is now ready to pounce on their prey.

In this case, the 6 humans in the room are the prey. And the duo are the predators.

Jungkook puts out his sharp knife that he always carry in the speed of lightning as he gives out a sly smile. The two were ready attack and the six were ready to take a flight because fighting won't be an option here. But before all of them can take an action, Roseanne appears from the sky and down to the ground.

"Eat them if you can, then." ROSEANNE said with a smile.

The two couldn't care less if they will go up against an angel without their superior's permission. Well, their superior's opinion doesn't matter. Because now, they see Seokjin as someone weak and stupid. They will fight against an angel or plenty of them one way or another. Why wait?

The duo charge towards their way but before they even get closer, Roseanne sent them flying away making the two hit the walls of the mansion. It was full of force that it resulted to a large dent on the wall.

This just caused Lisa to be more furious and starts to evolve more in to a zalgoid. The black started to spread more across her body which feared Roseanne. Not afraid for herself but afraid for the six humans behind her that are witnessing everything first-hand.

Unfortunately, they will have to see more of it.

Roseanne decided to go full force to fully protect the people that is important for Jisoo. She may be Jisoo's guardian angel, but it's not only Jisoo whom she has to protect. She also needs to be there for the people who are close and dear for her.

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