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an epiphany on the late first snow

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After I finished showering, apparently the others wanted to go ice skating. So we all prepared for our winter outfits. Even though it's not snowing yet, it was still very cold.

"Wahh, it's so cold yet there's no sign of snow anywhere!" JIMIN said while hugging his body tight and trying to warm it up.

"I wonder why the snow is so late this year?" HOSEOK asked no one in particular.

"Global warming." TAEHYUNG answered.

"No. If it's global warming then there's more snowfalls and snow storms because as the Earth gets warmer and more moisture gets absorbed into the atmosphere." NAMJOON corrected.

"Okay, science nerd." YOONGI teases.

"Then maybe it's the end of the world." TAEHYUNG jokes.

"Yah Kim Taehyung, can you stop talking nonsense?" JENNIE bluntly says, making all of us react and tease Taehyung.

"Wahh, Taehyung-ah I am embarrassed that you are my twin." I teased.

"You got beaten by soon-to-be-Mrs. Min!!" HOSEOK teased loudly.

"Yeah that's right. She's my girl! Taehyung = loser!" YOONGI teases along. Meanwhile Jimin and Namjoon only laughed and didn't defend my poor twin.

"You all are bullies!" TAEHYUNG said and pouts.

I immediately grimaced at my twin's action. "Ew, disgusting. Come on let's go before he shows more aegyo."

"I agree. I don't want to puke on my Chanel clothes and Gucci shoes." JENNIE agrees before both of us walk together, leaving the boys behind.

"I swear, they are more savage than me." YOONGI said while chuckling and shaking his head.

"Yeah because they learn from you, Yoongi." TAEHYUNG says before quickly catching up with Jennie and I.

"Yah! I'm your hyung! Aish, crazy boy." YOONGI said, almost cursing before following us too. I can only hear Jimin, Hoseok, and Namjoon laughing before also following us.


We all have arrived at a private ice skating rink. Even though the rent for the shoes plus the time is expensive, there were kind of a lot of people given that it is Christmas day.

Once we paid, I start to put on my skating shoes and protective gears such as the helmet, knee and elbow caps. Same goes to my friends.

One by one we enter the rink and immediately a lot of people recognized me. Since this is a private ice skating rink and there are some police personnel, the crowd was managed. Although there are some people asking for a selfie and of course I gladly took one with each of them.

After awhile, I kinda grew tired with all the picture-taking, laughing, and skating. So, I excused myself from my friends and told them I'll just sit by the locker rooms.

Once I am away from all the crowd and got a time for myself once again, I take a deep sigh. It was fun, yet tiring. I still haven't fully recovered from my headache although I can manage it.

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