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the pit

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Darkness engulfs Jisoo as she opened the door. The darkness was then suddenly replaced by a blinding light that made her shut her eyes. After awhile, Jisoo starts to feel her surroundings getting incredibly hot and having difficulty to breath. She immediately recognized the smell of smoke and too much ashes that made her cover her nose with her scarf.

Jisoo opens her eyes and removes her sunglasses to get a clearer look of her surroundings at the moment. The surrounding was unpleasant and the environment was inhumane. Jisoo is bewildered and was clueless as to what just happened. She looked back to find out that the door she went through earlier wasn't there anymore.

Jisoo was left with no choice but to walk into the unfamiliar place she is in. There was no around her and it was quiet. Not too far from where she is, she saw a rock bridge. As she approaches it, she noticed that there are fumes beside the bridge and under it that causes the surrounding to be hot. She's surprised that at this point she's still not burning and her skin is not melting yet because it was incredibly hot. But rather staying there, she choose to take the third risk of the day hoping that she can find a way out of that place.

She takes the first step on the bridge and as quickly as she can, she crosses the bridge while covering her mouth and nose and was able to pass the hot fumes. Now, she continued walking and she realizes that she's approaching a town. It's not a normal town with people in it though.

It was a town of demonic creatures. Full of demonic creatures.

Jisoo immediately hid behind a wall and takes another peak at the creatures crawling around the town. They were all scary looking. The least scary thing she can see are shadows with razor-sharp teeth. That was the least thing and there are a lot of scary figures there.

She felt like she's an alien visiting a completely different planet, but this is actually worse. Jisoo felt crying. She was afraid and wanted to wake up in this nightmare. But it's not just a nightmare. It's a living nightmare and waking up is not going to solve anything.

Just with their appearance, Jisoo knew she couldn't ask anyone for help and would have to depend on herself. But Jisoo needs to step away from the town before they could spot her. Who knows what will happen if these creatures see her?

Unfortunately, Jisoo was a little too late. One what seemed like a skeleton guard had caught a sight of her and even yelled something in a distorted voice that Jisoo could not understand.

"I̫̽̓͠ṇ̓͛͋t̨̗͆͡ru͠dë́͠͠r̔́! I̫̽̓͠ṇ̓͛͋t̨̗͆͡ru͠dë́͠͠r̔́!"

Jisoo tried to run away but black minions with red eyes, razor-sharp teeth and claws with multiple mouth blocks her exit. She then felt her legs being grabbed by the shadows. Although they are shadows, Jisoo could not break free from its grip. She also tried to grab onto something, but the skeleton guard which it's built was very big and bulky but instead of muscles it's just plain skeleton.

At this point, it's impossible for Jisoo to break away with none of her arms or legs free. Even wiggling isn't doing the trick.

She was carried and brought to a steaming pot, ready to be cook.

When JISOO noticed this, she immediately yelled and begged. "Please please, do not do this to me. Have mercy please!! Help! Please!"

Unfortunately, they could not understand her. They all just proceeded to preparing everything to cook the poor girl when suddenly.

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