Coming of Age -- Chapter 11

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I know It's been literally forever since I've updated this and i'm so sorry! I've been so busy and frankly my inspiration for this had died out before I had to take a break for soccer. But I have it again now. Hopefully it will continue! Thank you all for hanging inthere with me. You guys are the best ever and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


            Footsteps broke me from my trance. I looked up, clenching my fists and ready to fight. Aaron stood there. I immediately relaxed. “Oh, I hate to interrupt and all, but we should probably leave now,” he said, eyeing Luke’s hand that was still rubbing my back. Luke just nodded. We stood up and started to walk in silence. Aaron grabbed my hand, holding me back. Luke didn’t seem to notice and kept walking. I looked up at Aaron. “He told you?” he vaguely asked. I sighed and nodded. “Are you okay?”

            I interlaced my fingers into his. “Picture perfect,” I managed to mutter with a smile. I needed to convince him I was okay. I knew he would be on my butt if he thought I wasn’t.

            “How about your hand?” he asked, grabbing my hand that wasn’t intertwined with his to inspect it. I opened and closed it to show him it was better. I was lucky I didn’t damage anything too badly.

            “Fine. Let’s just go,” he said skeptically.

            I started to walk away again before he grabbed my wrist. I turned around once again. Luke was still walking ahead. Whether he hadn’t noticed or noticed and chose to ignore him, he was still walking. “Melody, I won’t let anything happen, I promise.” His eyes were shinning with determination and fire. I opened my mouth and then closed it as I stared into his eyes. He abruptly turned his head and looked over. Luke was almost out of sight. “We should get moving.”

            I nodded and we caught up. Luke was leaning on a tree, watching us. “I was wondering when you two would come around—”

            There was the sound of a stick snapping. We all froze. Not again. I took a fighting stance and silently turns toward the direction of the sound, but Aaron stepped in front of me, efficiently blocking my view of everything. How could the Catchers have gotten so close already?

            Suddenly a rush of wind blew through the air, pushing Aaron and me stumbling backwards. He managed to twist so he landed on the ground beside me. “They’re witches,” he muttered. “Luke it’s a witch!” he called to Luke. Luke’s eyes widened as a boy stepped out of the bushes. He had long, brown, slightly curly hair. He wore a torn jacket and t-shirt with a slash in the side that was a dark, rustic color from dried blood.

            A girl, barely visible, stood behind him. She clung to his jacket for dear life. Her eyes were nervous as they hopped back and forth between all of us. They rested on me and I noticed they were a bright blue, almost as if they were glowing. She let her gaze linger on me as the worry went away and was replaced by shock.

            The boy aimed his palm at me and Aaron and an energy ball was released. I let out a small yelp as I rolled out of the way. Luke ran in between his line of fire with his hands up. “Wait!” he screamed. “We’re witches too!”

            The boy gave an unbelieving scoff. “I’m not stupid—” Luke opened his palm and a light emerged from it. The boy stopped midsentence and eyed us all. “Fine.” I stood up and dusted myself off. Aaron walked over to me, glaring at the boy. He did a onceover, checking to make sure I was okay before he glared at the boy again.

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