Coming of Age -- Chapter 14

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Sorry. I know it's been a while since I uploaded it and the last chapter hasn't been that exciting,  and this one isn't too terribly long. I was going to write a longer chapter, but decided it would be too long and split it into two. So the good news is that the next chapter is already partly done and will be up soon. A lot of exciting stuff is going to be happening in the next few chapters as well. I think you all will like this chapter ;) But thank you all for reading and please comment and vote if you like it!


            After a while, I hesitantly stepped out, not wanting it to be over. I sighed and put fresh clothes on and combed out my hair. I wrapped bandages around my arm and ankle. I had never felt cleaner or fresher in my life. I took a deep breath and smiled. As I walked out the two boys were watching TV in complete silence, not even glancing at each other.

            They both looked over at me as I came and sat on the bed Aaron was laying down on. “So now what?” I asked, getting the question everyone wanted to know out of the air. Nobody said anything. I sighed and spoke up. “I think we should stay in the city for a while. It’ll give us some time to rest and heal. Me and Luke can train. We can lay low for a while. The Catchers will have a hard time finding us around so many humans. We all just need a break.”

            Luke nodded. “I agree.”

            Aaron gave a hallow laugh and both of our heads turned to him. “You make it sound so easy sometimes, Melody. I wish I could be as positive as you.”

            I cocked an eyebrow. “And what exactly is so easy about that, Aaron?” I asked, my tone a little harsh.

            I heard him sigh as he sat up and looked at me. “I just mean that because we’re in the city, it doesn’t mean we’re safe. Catchers can still track us and find us. We can’t even tell them apart from regular people. We can’t use magic if humans are around. It’s not like we can just relax and rest without having to worry about them now that we are in the city.”

            I groaned. “So you’re saying leave? Go back to the miserable woods where there’s nobody else so it’s easy to track out scent. Sleep on the hard ground and fight the Catchers again and again risking our lives as we have been. Oh who needs rest when we could just keep running and getting hurt?” I said sarcastically.

            He rolled his eyes and I glared. “I’m just being realistic. We can take a while to rest, but it’s not safe here if we stay for too long.”

            “You’re ridiculous,” I scoffed.

            I looked at Luke for some back up, my eyes pleading. Luke nodded. “I agree with Melody. It couldn’t hurt us to rest a few days and heal. And if we see any type or threat we pack up and move.” I smiled confident that maybe two people could change Aaron’s mind.

            Aaron glared at him. “No,” he said firmly.

            “And why not?!” I snapped. He looked over at me. “Why are you so controlling? Why does everything have to be your way? Who made you leader? Last time I checked there were three in this group. And nobody said you got to call all the shots. You’re outnumbered. Why are you so hesitant to at least try and relax?” I ask, my voice rising more and more with every point.

            We glared at each other. Our gazes intense. “Because we make one slip up and somebody dies! Lives are something you bargain with Melody! You don’t plan to make refuge or stay! The only way you stay alive is to keep moving! You know what the alternative is?! Someone will end up dead just like the Diviner said!” he yelled at me. He quickly looked away and I looked down. I felt like I was going to explode. “We’re not saying here,” he said in a softer voice.

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