Coming of Age -- Chapter 2

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 Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long I've just been crazy busy this past week and I hardly had any time at all for writing! I promise to try and update quicker this time. But anyways, thanks to all my fans out there reading this. It means a lot to me! So you guys would rock if you would comment, vote, and fan! :D Anyways enjoy!


            I groaned. There was a thick pounding in my head and my chest felt heavy, as if someone was sitting on it. My eyes were hard to open and it took me a few tries before they fluttered open. My body felt numb and I couldn’t move at all. My eyes weakly darted back and forth, taking in my surroundings. I was in a forest.

            Why the hell am I in a forest? Where am I? My body slowly recovered and all of the pain went away. I adjusted myself so I sat more comfortably against the tree. “Thank God you’re awake!” a voice yelled, startling me. I squealed and jumped up. Aaron immediately appeared at my side on one knee. His eyes were filled with concern. He grabbed my hand gently as if afraid I would break. “You scared me,” he said quietly. “Normally when you get your full powers you’re out for around six hours. You’ve been out around twelve and I was starting to worry something happened.”

            I looked around once again. I was so confused. What was going on? “Aaron, what happened? Why are we in a forest?”

            His expression went blank as a sheet of paper in a millisecond. “You don’t remember?” I shook my head. He sat beside me, leaning against the tree too. His eyes scanned the area for a second before they landed on me. He threw me a granola bar and a bottle of water. “Eat and drink. You’ll need it.”

            I noticed how he so blatantly avoided my question. “Aaron, please tell me what happened,” I begged.

            He sighed. His eyes met mine and they held each other for a second. Even though they were sad, they sent a wave of warmth through my body like a gentle caress. “You remember the party, meeting me?” I nodded. How could I forget meeting my soul mate? It was after that when it started to get a little fuzzy. “Do you remember going back to the house and hearing the gunfire?” I shook my head. Gunfire? Did anyone get hurt? What was he even talking— And then it clicked.

            “I remember,” I muttered. He nodded slowly. The memory came back to me. I had gone back with Aaron and we were talking to Renee when we heard gunfire. I told everyone to run and fell down in the crowd. Aaron saved me and we ran. There were Catchers there and I blacked out. “There were Catchers.”

            As long as there had been witches, there had been Catchers. Back in the old days witches and humans lived in peace. Humans knew about witches. Then the Dark Ages came. Humans began blaming witches for all of their problems though we had never done anything to harm them. We became the scapegoat for everything, even crops not growing well. Witches were burned and killed though they were innocent. So we stopped telling humans about us. That’s why witches are only in cheesy books now.

            But there are still a few humans that know of us. Catchers. They’re the ones that originally started blaming us. They hate us and are sworn to killing off our kind. Of course that would be very hard since we have a very large population. Witches are living under your very noses. Catchers pass their ancient made up stories about how terrible we are down generation to generation making sure their offspring are determined to kill us too. Over the years they learned our secrets, weaknesses, everything. They hunt us down and try to kill us

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