Before the Book - Introduction/Author's Note

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To Writers:

Hello fellow writer! Any relation to any works you have created is purely coincidental and this story was not copied from anyone. If you have reason to believe that my writing is similar to another story with evidence as to why, provide a link to the other story so I can see for myself. I may make slight changes if I agree that there is a significant amount of similarities. Otherwise, please hold your peace.

Any relation to any people, alive or deceased, locations, or events that have happened at any point is purely a coincidence and nothing more. Thank you for your understanding and have a great day/night! Enjoy the story!

To Judges/Reviewers:

Hello dear judge/reviewer! I am thankful that you have taken your precious time to judge/review my book and want to help you out. This chapter can be skipped. This chapter basically explains what certain things mean, where and when the story takes place and what is or is not included in the story. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with you reading this chapter, but I want you to know that it is also fine if you skip it because it is not a part of my actual story. Either way, I hope you enjoy my story and have a great day/night!

To Readers:

Hello dear reader! I see you have decided to read my book. Wise choice. I hope you enjoy it. Before you just dive right into this book, there are a few things I thought you should know before reading this book.

If you want to be warned of what to expect from this book, read on. If you don't care and just want to skip straight to the actual story, fine. Go ahead. My feelings won't be hurt or anything. It's not like I spent hours writing this introduction of anything.

Now that I have successfully either

A) Guilt-tripped you into reading this so I wouldn't have spent HOURS writing this introduction for nothing


B) Gotten you to skip past this part,

I'll continue. Wait a minute. If B applies to you, you wouldn't have stuck around to read it. Oh well. Ignore my flawed logic. We're moving on.

Not all chapters are created equal, or should I say, the same length. Deal with it. I will try my best to make every chapter have at least one important event happen in it that connects to the larger plot. Some will have more. This should be common knowledge, but I included it just in case you need to be reminded. I will try to avoid filler chapters as much as possible, but I can't guarantee there won't be any. If you have any suggestions for my story or see any mistakes, do not hesitate to point them out to me and I will try to fix them as soon as I feel I am able to.

Text in italics is thoughts, dreams or memories Edward has. These are included so you can gain a deeper understanding of how he feels and why he makes some of his choices. I used to do this for all of the characters, but I never said who was thinking about what and when, so it got too confusing and I narrowed it down so now I only do that for Edward. For the other characters, they'll either tell you directly how they feel or you'll have to guess based on context clues. I made the italics in first person so it would be easier for you as a reader to put yourself inside of his shoes and see things from his perspective. Dialogue is also in first person too. The parts of the story that are not thoughts, dreams, memories or dialogue are written in third person.

I know some people prefer books written in first person. Why didn't I do that instead? Well, because I wanted to write a book I would like and I am not a fan of book written entirely in first person. Why on earth would I dislike those books? Well, for me, the reasoning is because then it is too easy to put myself into the shoes of one of the main characters and sometimes they will do something I wouldn't. This sends me mixed messages because this person feels like me because the book is written in first person, but those aren't choices I would make. That also happens to be why I don't like Y/N books, where you put your name in the place of Y/N as you read. I don't have anything against those books in general, they just aren't the type of books I like reading. I hope my explanation makes sense. If not, I'll try to explain it better.

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