Chapter 6

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“I just don’t know what to do with her Jafar. To think my own daughter could be capable of such deceit and treachery. And for her to try and frame you the way she did, why it just doesn’t bear thinking about”. The Sultan said quietly, accepting the glass of wine Jafar handed to him as they both sat down.

“While I cannot condone her behaviour your majesty, I can understand that she may be under a tremendous amount of stress right now. We are talking about a man who will be her husband, who will take care of her for the rest of her life and who will sire her future children. She is still a child, as I’m sure you’re aware and such things must seem scary to her. She will be given so much more responsibility and the expectations of her shall be great. It is understandable that she may feel the need to lash out as she had. Understandable but still it cannot excuse her for her behaviour. Particularly her treatment of you Sire. You are the Sultan. She should know that is something she must respect”. Jafar soothed, much like a parent would soothe an upset child. Well it wasn’t far from the truth, even if the roles were somewhat reversed.

“You’re right, of course you’re right. Now this is for her own good. I have my duties and she has hers. And it’s about time she realised that.  Oh but Jafar, what can I do or say to her to make things right between us? She’s just so stubborn; she gets it from her mother you know. She always was a stubborn one. Runs in the family I’m afraid”. The Sultan shook his head slowly, head in his hands as he looked pleadingly at his advisor.

“I’m afraid your options are limited your highness. The law states she must be married to a prince by her sixteenth birthday. There’s no getting around it. But perhaps, if I may, you could involve her more in all of this. I’m afraid we have been making the decisions for her, we have been choosing the candidates and she has had nothing to do but reject every last one of them. I suggest compiling a list of princes she has not yet seen and allow her to choose who she wishes to meet. Allow her to choose for herself. I am sure she shall come around once she feels like she is in control of her own life. Women like her are all the same. Let them think they’re right and they’ll be happy. Trust me”. Jafar soothed, the eyes of his staff glowing briefly as it worked its magic.

“Trust you.” The Sultan breathed out. He calmed as the magic invaded his mind, forcing his every muscle to still. Minus his heart of course, it wouldn’t do to have that stop.

“Yes, that’s it. Just like that, your highness”. Jafar smiled; an expression that looked rather odd on a face so sinister all the time. A smirk was normal, but a smile was a rarity.

The Sultan blinked, the spell broken as he breathed out. “Thank you Jafar, oh thank you”. He enthusiastically grabbed the man’s hand, shaking it vigorously. “Yes, you’re right. You’re right, of course you are”.

“A simple compromise is all it takes. I’m sure Jasmine will come around”. Jafar added. Just for good measure.

 “Master?” A knock on the door alerted Jafar to the boy’s presence. Right on time too. Enough time had passed for the Sultan’s most pressing concern to be addressed, yet there was still much for them to discuss. And things always seemed to go better with a fine meal in his belly.

“Enter”. There was no need to waste words on the boy. He either learned to follow simple commands or he was gone. Simple as that.

Aladdin pushed open the door, bowing briefly before entering the room, another servant in tow carrying food for the Sultan. He placed the platter of fruits, cheeses, meats and bread onto the table, a jug of wine following suit. The other servant set his own platter down in front of the Sultan, bowing once before exiting the room. Silent and efficient, the way any good servant should act. Aladdin knew he had a lot to learn.

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