Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

  You and Daryl sat down on a blanket you had laid out on the opposite side of the fair from your father and Beth. Hershel wasn't too happy about your relationship with Daryl but you didn't care and it seemed Daryl didn't either. Since Daryl wasn't the kind of person to show affection in front of people you had fo be the one initiate anything. You sat between his legs since he was sitting up with his knees bent up and you leaned on him a little.

Your father asked Beth to sing a song. "No one wants to hear," she said. "Why not," Glenn said. "Yeah Beth comes on I'll sing with you," you told her. "Okay," she said. She started to seeing parting glass and you joined in and then Maggie eventually joined in too. Rick walked over and knelt down beside Lori and she handed him a bowl and he took it offering her some of his meat. She refused but he kept it in front of her until she took a couple of pieces.

"I know we're all exhausted but we need to keep pushing in. This place could be a gold mine. There's an infirmary and a cafeteria in there so there's bound to be supplies left," Rick said. "What an armory?" Glenn asked. "It'll be in a separate building but yeah," Rick said. Everyone get some rest we'll start in the morning. I've got the first watch," Rick said and got up walking off. Lori got up and went after him no doubt just to argue with his plans.  You laid down dragging Daryl with you so you could him as a pillow and keep warm.

  The next day everyone woke up and packed everything up. "Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, Y/N, and T-Dog you're with me. Everyone else stays here until someone comes to get you," Rick said. You pulled your machete and listened to the rest of Rick's instructions.  "We gotta go in hand to hand. Stay in a tight circle back to back. You kill a walker you get back in the circle. We do this as a team," he said. Hershel got ready to open the gate while the others distracted the walkers away so you could sneak in. Once in you started taking the walkers down in the courtyard.

  Once you got closer to the entrance to go into the cell block you started seeing walkers in riot gear. Daryl shot an arrow at on but it bounced off its helmet. A walker in the riot gear came at Maggie and she grabbed hold of it and shoved her knife up under its chin. "See that?" She said looking at us with wide eyes. Once all the walkers were killed and the other gate was closed you looked around. "This place fell pretty early," you said. "There's gotta be a breach somewhere. This one a civilian," Daryl said. "I'll go get the others," Glenn says and starts walking away. "Not just yet. We gotta keep pushing in," Rick told us.

  We walked over and up the gated steps to a big metal orange door. Rick opened but nothing came out so we continued. Stepping in we came to go what looked to be the common area. It had metal tables with metal stools attached, a guard tower, there was a door leading into the cell block and one that leads to the rest of the prison. Rick went up the to guard tower and grabbed the Keys off the dead guard and came back down and opened the door to the cellblock.  You, Daryl, and Rick headed up the stairs and took out any walkers locked in the cells. T-Dog, Maggie, and Glenn took care of downstairs. You found another set of keys and Daryl kept them.

While Glenn went out to get the others the rest of you took the bodies outside so they could be burned later. Everyone walked and looked around "is it safe from walkers?" Lori asked. "This cell block is," Rick told her. "Do we sleep in the cells?' Beth asked. "Yeah, we can clean them up a little later," you told her. She smiled and walked into a cell Carl following her. Glenn and Maggie claimed a cell and your father went into the cell Beth and Carl went too Carl coming out shortly after. Lori and Carol walked up the stairs and took one of the cells to the left. You walked up and stood in front of Daryl "you sharing with me?" You asked him. "I ain't sleepin in no damn cage. I'll take the perch," he said and took one of the mattresses from the cells and dragged in out onto the perch and laid down. "Alright but if you change your mind I'll be in this cell," you said walking to the one straight ahead.

You sat your bags down on the floor and plopped down on the mattress.  It wasn't to bad definitely more comfortable than sleeping on the ground. You leaned down and took your boots off and grabbed your bag pulling a clean pair of socks out and changed into them. You took your jeans off and slipped on a pair of sweats and changed out of your tank top for a baggie tee shirt. You flopped down the bottom bunk and sighed.

The mattress might have been thin but it was kinda comfortable. It was cool in the prison so you pulled the blank out of your other bag and throw it over you. It didn't take long until you fell into a comfortable sleep. Knowing you and everyone else was safe from walkers was a big weight lifted off your chest and mind.

The next morning you woke up as the sun came up. Not everyone was awake yet but Daryl, Rick, and  Hershel were. "Morning," you said as you walked you to Daryl and he kissed your temple and put his arm around your shoulder. Your father just looked at the two of you. "So what's the plan for today?" you ask. "Well we are going to be going further into the prison and try to find the cafeteria," Rick said. As he said that Maggie and Glenn joined you. "Morning," Maggie said. Everyone mumbled a good morning.

"Alright, who's all going?" You asked. "Me, Daryl, You, Maggie, Glenn, and T-Dog just like we did outside," Rick said. "I'm going with you too," your father said. You and Maggie looked at him like he grew a second head. "No, daddy you have to stay here," Maggie said. "Yeah we can't risk something happening to you dad," you said. "I'm going that's final," he said. You and Maggie didn't argue knowing there was no use to try and talk him out of it.

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