09 | Love and Grief

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   RILEY REALLY HATED LOSING. She figured that was a normal thing. No one wants to lose. But for her, she didn't just hate it. She loathed it, despised it with every fiber of her being. Losing was so... taboo to her. All she ever did was train and fight and study and work. She was brought up from nothing by the finest and sharpest of agents, killers, and leaders. They bred a machine out of the girl. There was no room in her life to lose. Ever. Everything she did, she did it with the intention of doing it flawlessly.

   Every fight, every argument, every experiment, every invention, every war. She hated losing. She refused it. She refused to be anything but perfect.

   She succeeded for a while. Right until she discovered that among the metal of her machine-like exterior, her heart was beating fast and strong. She was still soft on the inside. And with every beat of her tender heart, the stakes climbed higher and higher.

   Ever since the Sokovia Accords, the stakes seemed impossible to keep up with, but Riley did her best. It was all for the people. It was always for the people.

   But what about her? Who was fighting for her? If she was the sun for everyone else, then who would be hers? It seemed these days, she was more concerned about everyone other than herself.

   Despite winning the battle against Westview, Riley still felt like she lost.

   Vision. Pietro. Billy. Tommy. Wanda.

   She lost all of them.

   Winning used to be so simple. Everyone was on the same team, working toward the same goal, fighting the same battles. When did winning become so... complicated? Sometimes, it felt like winning and losing were two sides of the same coin. Another scar on our hands, another nightmare, another thing to talk about behind closed doors. It was too bittersweet for the girl of sunshine.

   Was it foolish of her to wish she could go back in time and just... start over?

   She knew this was for the best. The people of Westview didn't deserve to bear Wanda's torture. They deserved freedom, and Riley would never think otherwise. But she already missed the days spent with the Maximoffs in Westview. The Westview Anomaly should never have happened, and Riley knew that, but... it was nice pretending all was well in the world made of Wanda's love and grief.

   Riley feared the future would always be like this. Uncertain. Fleeting. Bittersweet. Life demanded to keep moving forward. It dragged her with it, no matter how hard she refused.

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