17 | A Debate Of Lives

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   GROWING UP MEANT FINALLY embracing the awareness and maturity that have been waiting for you all along

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   GROWING UP MEANT FINALLY embracing the awareness and maturity that have been waiting for you all along. Now that Riley was a little bit older, she understood how baffling it was recruiting children to fight crimes and solve mysteries.

   As a child agent, she could agree that children had no place being involved in this cruel industry. There was no excuse for how she'd killed people and aliens before she made her first pinky promise, and there was nothing she could do to reverse that damage. At least adults have the maturity for this stuff! Maybe not always, but there were certainly more benefits to hiring adults over children. For example, at least you never have to organize your meetings around your teammates' school schedule.

   "Dude, scoot over—"

   "Respectfully, if you get any closer to me, I'm biting you."

   "MJ, you can't just bite people—"

   "I'll bite you, too, Parker."

   MJ, Ned, and Peter squeezed together in a narrow supply closet to video chat the Avengers. Riley found it extremely amusing, though she wasn't sure if that was because she was delirious from astral projecting her soul 30 minutes ago or because it was genuinely hilarious watching the Midtown trio complain and elbow each other.

   "MJ, you can't bite Peter. He probably has PTSD!" Ned scolded.

   Peter was going to agree, but instead, his eyes softened. "That's so considerate of you, man. Thanks," he said.

   "Guys," Roman beckoned, leaning closer to Riley's phone. The Stellite still wasn't accustomed to human technology, and he purposely refused to understand how it worked. That being said, he didn't realize how funny he looked sitting so close to the tiny camera. "Guys, come on. We don't have all day."

   Riley pulled him back, putting herself in the frame again. "Why are you guys in a supply closet?" she wondered.

   "It was the only place we could think to hold a secret meeting. We're all supposed to be out of class for different reasons. I'm supposed to be in the bathroom, and MJ's taking Peter to the nurse for stomach problems," Ned explained, leaning on Peter's arm (which was his attempt at scooting away from MJ). "I don't know how long we can stay here though."

   "We'll make this quick," Roman assured. "We've been talking to the cops all day, and everyone's completely clueless about how to proceed with this whole mess. It looks like we're the only ones capable of ending this."

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