06 | The Black Hole Paradox

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   "I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M in the Sanctum Sanctorum!" Ned gushed as he trailed behind Dr

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   "I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M in the Sanctum Sanctorum!" Ned gushed as he trailed behind Dr. Strange.

   "Neither can I," Strange grumbled.

   Ned spun, his eyes flickering to take it all in. "So, how did you know you were a man of magic? Because my nana says that we have it in our family, and sometimes, I get these tinglings in my hands—"

   "You should talk to your physician," Strange said before trudging up the long staircase, his scarlet cloak swishing after him. Though the snow was still slowly melting, a path had been paved that guaranteed he wouldn't slip.

   His guests weren't as fortunate though. When MJ lost her balance, Roman was quick to steady her before she could fall on her face. Neither addressed the small action, but when MJ caught the knowing look on Riley's face as she and Peter greeted them in the foyer, MJ quickly asked, "So, when are we gonna address the spider in the room? I'm not being confrontational, I'm just making conversation."

   "Right. I'm so sorry for dragging you guys into this," Peter said as he and Ned did their special handshake. Next, he fist-bumped MJ and... nervously stared at Roman because he wasn't sure if they were at that point in their friendship yet. "You just gotta help me and Riley find these guys—"

   "You don't have to apologize. You got us a second shot at MIT. It's fine," MJ promised with a smile.

   Ned drifted toward some frosted baubles that had been abandoned on one of the tables. "So, how did the bad guys get here?"

   "He screwed up a spell trying to get you into college," Strange called.

   "Wait, what? I thought it was that MIT lady you saved?" MJ asked while Ned asked, "With magic!? You did it with magic?"

   "Of all the things you could've used magic to do, you did it to put yourselves into further financial debt," Roman said. "Are you always this prone to self-sabotage?"

   "Uh... No, that was—" Peter stammered. "Let's just focus on the good news, okay?"

   "No, let's just focus on the bad news," Strange snapped from the top of the stairs. "As of now, you have detected zero multiversal trespassers. So get on your phones, scour the internet, and... Scooby-Doo this shit!"

   Roman sucked the air between his teeth. "That was bad. We all agree that was bad, right?"

   "I told you we could be the real-life Mystery Inc!" Ned whispered to Riley. "We have to decide on a mascot!"

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