07 | Breaking Character

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   SOMETHING WASN'T RIGHT IN Westview. And by something, Violet really just meant Pietro Maximoff.

   Truthfully, plenty was wrong with Pietro. He appeared out of nowhere (and clearly uninvited), he was loud, and he was suffocatingly annoying. But these reasons weren't why she felt strange around him.

   Deep down, all Riley could think about was how Pietro and Vision were supposed to be dead. Not only that, but Pietro looked... different. Not like himself.

   The Pietro she knew and loved was tall and buff. His slate-blue eyes held a mischievous twinkle in them at all times, and he had a beautiful Sokovian accent. The Pietro of Westview, however, was lankier and didn't smile as much as the original Pietro did. Even their personalities were different. The old Pietro was funny and compassionate. Sure, he was annoying, but he was an angel next to this new Pietro. It was like someone created this new Pietro after hearing a half-assed description of the original one. Riley didn't understand why Wanda didn't create an exact replica of him the same way she did Vision.

   It was late in the afternoon when Violet returned to the Maximoff household.

   "Knock-knock!" she greeted, only for her smile to fall once she spotted Pietro in the living room. "Ugh, not you again. Isn't there anywhere else you can stay while you're in town?"

   Pietro rolled his eyes, running a hand through his unbrushed hair. Although it was 4:00 PM, he had just woken up. "Where else would I stay, genius?"

   Violet shrugged. "I hear Sparky's dog house is free!"

   "At least I'm wanted here," remarked Pietro. He towered over her, but the ego in Violet was strong enough to match his level.

   "Are you kidding? I get paid just to show up!" she ricocheted. "What do you do all day besides make fart jokes and hog the couch?"

   "Yeah, yeah, whatever," he grumbled in defeat. "Good morning to you, too, Val."

   "My name is Violet," she irritably corrected. "I've seen you every day and you still can't be bothered to remember my name!"

   "No, I remember your name," Pietro calmly replied. "Val's a nickname."

   Now, Violet was perplexed. She tried to ask what he meant, but Billy shouted from the kitchen, "VIOLET!" He and Tommy sprinted toward her, pushing past their uncle and tackling her in a hug.

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