CHAPTER 5: I'm not your enemy

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"Lara, wake up! Come on child, you need to open your eyes."

This voice I hear...I know this voice. It's Lyra. But what happened to me?

Opening my eyes made me have a headache. Adjusting my eyes to the light, I could see that I am back to the room where Mei left me. My head hurts like hell. How did I end up here? I remember I was running on the corridors trying to find a way out of here.

*touching my forehead* Ah, it hurts!! I just realized I have a bondage there. How did i hit my head?

"Lara, you've been knocked  down by Aiden. You were trying to jump on the window and hurt yourself. You had a panic attack, but he saved you."

Aww, he saved me. That's so nice of him. Wait a sec, what did you just say? He knocked me down?

The door opened and I saw Aiden bringing a breakfast table with food on it. Oh my God, yes, I'm starving. Finally he does something nice for me.

Aiden placed the table in front of me and looked at me really worried. He seems conflicted and somehow mad.

Looking at the food made my mouth watering. Everything smelled delicious. Grabbing the fork, I dug it into the omelet and took a bite. I haven't felt this happy in a really long time. I don't have words to describe how good it tasted. Taking a short glance at Aiden, he was smiling seeing I'm enjoying the food. But he still looked sad. I guess i should say something...

Thank you for the breakfast, it's delicious! I was starving and I don't think I could find my way to the kitchen...*awkward silence*

He looked surprised but still a little depressed. Somehow I feel bad for what I did. I created him so many troubles and I'm not that kind of person. For some reason it hurts me as well and I don't know why am I feeling like this.

"You can feel your mate's sorrow. Just comfort him. It was an accident. He tried to save you but hit your head in the process." *whimpering*

Lyra is right. I need to talk to him, but what should I say? Hmm...I got an idea:

Aiden, want to eat breakfast with me? There is a lot on this plate and I thought we can eat together. *slightly blushing*

His eyes widened and nodded. He came close to me in bed and I dug the fork in the omelet and took it close to his mouth:

Say ahh! *giggle*

He chuckled, but still opened his mouth. He was adorable. I admit, he is not that scary. The mighty alpha looks so innocent.

I'm sorry I've created you so many troubles! I was really scared. Everything is still new to me and I panicked. It's hard to assimilate everything when you never believed in supernatural creatures. Seeing you with fangs, claws and glowing eyes made me wanna run away from everything. I can feel your sadness and it hurts. Maybe you can explain everything and what should I do.

He looked at me with such kind eyes. I really felt bad for what I did. Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't know how my parents would have reacted seeing me killing myself. They would be devastated. That thought made me really sad and I didn't realize, but a tear rolled down my cheek.

He hugged me patting my back and kissed my forehead.

-"I am glad you are fine Lara. I would had died there if something happened to you. You are my precious mate, so don't act that silly."

But you knocked me down and hit my head, you asshole!!! And what happened to my dress?

"I know and I am sorry. That wasn't my intention. I had to stop you.And I changed your clothes to be more comfortable. I can say you have a really hot body." *smirk*

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