Highway Robbery

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Highway Robbery

by PJ Perry

Ale by the fire good landlady

I said brushing off the cold

The company tonight was shady

I knew someone would be bold

Cutthroats and muggers the lot of them

They will rob me when they can

And I'd knife them in the brainstem

They don't realise who I am

I look like next weeks beer money

But they'll never understand

I'm not paying for their favourite honey

I'm the dandy highwayman

I've already clocked you little pips

I've seen your wry smiles shift

I've seen you softly lick your lips

Eyes twinkle as brows lift

Even the flick of the hostess's wrist

Said she'll get me with her powdered drugs

The surly barman clenching fist

The hooker whispers dealings with some ugly thugs

They're all together hand in hand

And together they've signed a petition

An oath, together they are one strong band

But I mean to eliminate this competition

I'll get a room and one by one

I'll kill you through the night

For I am stealth and when I'm done

This inn it will burn bright

There's only room for one in my plan

Your blood will flow a river

I am the dandy highwayman

Stand and Deliver!

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