Chapter 6

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Elle watched the news cast, and although she had heard numerous, similar stories; especially given her proximity to the news desk, the story playing out before her broke her heart. It was the first time the media had been permitted to record a ramp ceremony and as the caskets, draped with the Canadian flag, were slowly carried past the rows of military personnel that had turned out to pay their respects, Elle saw many of them crying silent tears. The pain, so evident on the faces of the troops carrying the caskets, caused her to well up herself.

That's where Jack is. It could've been him.I wonder if he was there, at the ceremony?  She was jolted from her thoughts as the news anchor broke into the story to say that the 3 men that were killed by an IED were expected to arrive back at the base in Trenton tomorrow where they were going to be met by their families as well as the Prime Minister and his wife.

Elle turned the the TV off and opened her laptop, as she wiped away the tears that had formed. She quickly signed on to her account and instantly felt  guilty as she realized that she hadn't written to Jack in a few days.

"Hi Jack,

I'm so sorry that I haven't written to you in a while, and although I've been busy going on dates and getting ready for the holidays, it's really no excuse for my rudeness.

I hope you're well and safe. I just watched the ramp ceremony for our 3 personnel that were recently killed in Afghanistan. It was hard to watch all the allied troops pay their respects and to watch our soldiers carry their caskets onto the plane to say good-bye. I really don't know how you cope there.

What will you do over the Holidays? Do you celebrate while you're there or do you try and ignore them? I feel like a real jerk that I've not thought to send anything to you while you're away that might help brighten your holidays.

God! I'm seriously feeling like a real loser right now, just going on about my life here, complaining about how boring it all is, and you guys over there feel lucky to just make it through another day, in the hopes of being able to feel bored again one day when you get home!

Anyway, I apologize again for being so inconsiderate and taking you for granted.

Elle xx."

She tried to shake off the uncomfortable feeling in her gut as she looked out to the street below as more snow fell from the dark sky.


Jack read her message and smiled at her compassion.

"Arr bless. You are sweet, but don't be so hard on yourself. I don't expect you to know what it's like here, and I certainly don't want you to feel guilty for the war we're fighting or the career choice I made.  I was at the ceremony actually, and they are difficult. Your Canadian troops are tough though, and really a  good bunch, so it made it harder to witness I think. But I'm fine really, so don't worry.

Now Christmas...we do celebrate here, as best we can. The different messes decorate and we will have a proper Christmas supper with turkey and such. There's usually some entertainment too, but I haven't had a chance to see what's planned or who's coming yet(sometimes we get celebrities that come and do some shows, comedians and some bands usually) . Of course we'd rather be home with our families, but we make the best of it here and spend time with our mates that are here too. So don't worry, I'll find some time to enjoy Christmas here.

What are your plans for the holidays? Any big dates or parties to attend? I'd love to hear about what you'll be up to.

I read your last article btw. Who is choosing these blokes for you? LOLs And how could a guy spend an evening with you and not say hardly a word? I'd be talking your ear off, but I think I mentioned that before.

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