Chapter 2

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Elle sat down at her computer and logged on to She had resigned herself to the task she'd been given and was eager to get the assignement finished, so she figured the sooner she began, the better. She already had a date set up with Jason, the IT consultant from Milton, but she wanted to get others set up if she could to keep the flow of material coming.  Her page indicated she had a new message so she opened it to see if there was a chance it could be of use to her article.

As she read the message, a slight smile formed on her lips and when she was done, she clicked the tab that would show her his profile. His name was Jack and he was a Sgt. in Britian's Royal Air Force. He was a snowboarding fanatic by what she could tell, and seemed rather humble, not secretive like a lot of the other profiles, but genuinely revealing but humble. Although his message said he was just looking to chat and hear about her life, she still felt the urge to reply, despite knowing there would be no date, especially with him currently in Kandahar.

"Hi Jack,

I'm not sure how interesting my life is really, especially compared to yours. I'm a writer for the lifestyle column at The Star in Toronto.  I tackle stories about trends in society. Currently, to be completely honest with you, I'm doing a series about online dating, which is why I'm on Cupid. My editor wants me to go on a few dates and report about it. Sounds kind of terrible doesn't it, to go on dates with men for no other reason than to write about what happens?

So, if that hasn't totally got you thinking that I'm completely opportunistic and selfish, then I'd be happy to chat with you while you're stationed in Kandahar.

Stay safe, Jack.

Elle xx"

Expecting that she had more than likely alienated herself with her confession, she browsed the day's matches, picked a few and sent her standard ice breaker message.


  Jason had agreed to meet her for drinks and as she entered the piano bar, she glanced around looking for someone that resembled his picture. The hostess approached her and asked, "Can I help you find someone?"

"Yes, tall man, blonde hair."

"Yes, he's just over here." She led Elle to a table by the window and Jason stood to greet her with a weak hug.

"It's good to finally meet you, Sharon." He said with an eager smile.

"It's Elle actually," she smiled politely as she took a seat across from him. The hostess couldn't hide her expression that clearly showed she was unimpressed with Jason; catching herself, she turned and walked away.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I knew that!" He said, embarrassed.

Elle wasn't bothered, she knew he was probably talking to a few girls and he just lost track of who he was meeting tonight. Their server came over and took their order. He asked for an imported beer and Elle ordered a glass of chardonnay.

"So, what exactly do you do in your consulting buisness, Jason?" Elle asked, trying to get the conversation going.

He pulled his head back slightly and gave her a confused look, but when he spoke it was with a certain level of condesention. "I'm sorry, is this a date or a job interview?"

Elle was taken aback a bit, but responded gracefully. "No, just trying to make small talk, why don't we discuss whatever you have on your mind then?" Well that did it. He droned on for nearly 2 hours about his time in college, his first marriage, his travels and hobbies and eventually his job! None of which interested Elle at all simply because he was so completely annoying. She couldn't help but think though that this was all great stuff for her first article anyway. 

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