Chapter 4

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Elle lay in her bed, her mind busy. She was having trouble getting to sleep, so she stared at the shadows on the ceiling. For some reason Jack's question kept playing through her mind, and Tim's comments weren't helping either. What kind of man am I looking for? IF I was looking, which I'm not, but if I was, what would I want? She tossed charactersitics around in her mind and although many of them seemed obvious, none were enough for her to add to a definitive list. Was she too picky, too jaded? Probably. Maybe if he ever shows up, I'll just know. Maybe. She rolled over and closed her eyes, finally drifting off.


Jack had woken early and gone for a run as the sun was coming up. Now, he was sitting at the computer in his usual spot as he read Elle's response; he found himself smiling for the first time in days. He sat and read her discription of what had caused the quick rise in her temper and he realized that had she been in his shoes the day before, it sounded like she might have done the same thing.

As he typed his response he decided to leave out what had happened the previous day. He wanted to try and put it behind him, the punishment he'd been given was eating at him and he was afraid if he began discussing it he might do nothing more than vent his problems to her and that's not what he wanted to discuss with her anyway.

"Hi sweet lady,

I can't wait to read the article and see what it was that set you off. I agree with you though, disrespect is a pretty hard thing to overlook, well for me anyay, sounds like maybe you too. I'll be sure to mind my p's and q's around you. J

You're not really looking for somoeone? Someone once told me that its when you stop looking that the person finally comes into your life. Maybe he's right around the corner; you may want to think about it so you recognize him when he shows up. And giving me a taste of my own merdicine are you? Okay, I'll play. I'm not looking for anyone right now either, but if I were on the lookout, I'd want someone who's kind, adventurous, strong willed, but who also appreciates being treated like a lady. There's no one waiting for me back at home, but I prefer to keep my options open and sample ladies that catch my eye once in a while, if you know what I mean. Sorry if that sounds crude, just being honest about the reality of my life right now. Just no desire to settle down; I have my reasons, but we'll leave that for another time.

Now, for your other really are the questions master aren't you, but I like it!

    I've been in the RAF for almost 20 years, right out of school. I'm a SGT as I think you know and I work in tactical communications. Bascially, I help make sure that all forms of communication are up and running properly so that anyone out in the field can get the information they need in order to safely complete their missions. I sometimes get to travel to other bases and complete courses, either take them or teach them. So far I've been to DC, Vegas, The Netherlands, and of course various places in the UK. For pleasure travel I've gone to Florida, France, and a few other places. I'd like to see Italy and maybe the Caribbean. The water looks so blue and clear.

As far as family, I have a brother and a sister; I'm the eldest. Mum and dad are gone already, unfortunately.

Sports for participating, snowboarding of course, and I like watching football, but European, not American. It's very stop and go yours, isn't it? I also like cricket although its very complicated and sometimes hard to follow everything that's going on.

I think I got all of them, LOL. But what about your family, have you always been in Toronto or did you move there for work? Do you enjoy any sports, ever been snowboarding?

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