Chapter 5

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    She sat cross legged at her antique desk, nursing a cup of tea. She had planned on writing about her latest date, but when she went onto the site in order to block Mark, she saw the message from Jack. She was really beginning to look forward to his emails. He seemed to sincerely respond to what she had to say and easily kept the conversation going. Part of her wondered if they'd talk so easily if they had the chance to meet.

"Hi Jack,

I've never had anyone be so enthusiastic about where I'm from before. :) It is beautiful and if you've never been to Banff, I highly recommend it. And maybe if I ever get the chance, I will try snowboarding out.

I have to say, I find you extremely interesting, and although you seem to think that it's me that's providing a distraction to you, you are for me as well...I'm supposed to be writing about my latest date right now, but reading your latest message was so much better.

I'm sorry to hear that you were hurt in your last relationship. Moving on from something that had become the main focus of your life can be very difficult, I know. But I also believe that if something ends, it was because you were headed down a path not meant for you. It's just the universe's way of re-directing us. Sounds a bit corny I guess, but eventually the reason becomes clear and we see we are better off. It's just getting to that point of clarity that can be tough.

Oh, and your football? That's the point, you never know when something's going to happen; it can take forever! Snoozefest. LOL

Enjoy you day and stay safe Jack.

Elle xx"

She sent the message and proceeded to block Mark before he could try and arrange another chance to accost her. She was just about to log off when  Jack responded to her email.

"Are you still on? Xx" Was all he wrote.

"Yes.xx" She replied, smiling a bit.

"Skype? xx"

"Sure. xx" She sent her Skype ID to him and within minutes, she had an incoming call. She nervously accepted the request to video chat and in a few seconds Jack popped up on her screen. He smiled once they were connected.

"Hey you! " His smile was warm and his accent was a perfect compliment to the view of him in his fatigues.

Tim might be right. "Hi Jack." She smiled back at him. "How are you?"

"I'm alright. You?"

"I'm good, just been a long day."

"Right, it's late there isn't it?" She could see him glance at what she presumed to be a clock before he returned his attention to her. "I'm just starting the day and you're about to head to bed. I can let you go and we can chat another time, then."

She smiled at his thoughtfulness. "No, it's okay, I can talk for a bit; besides, it's nice to actually hear your voice." He smiled at her as she continued. "So what's going on there, any big missions today?"

Jack laughed. "No, not for me anyway. Besides if there was, I couldn't tell you now could I?" He winked at her.

Elle laughed, "No, I guess you couldn't.  So how much longer are you deployed for?"

Jack paused as he considered her question. "Sorry, just need to think about that. I try not to keep track if I can, helps it pass quicker."

Elle jumped in, suddenly feeling inconsiderate. "Oh, I'm sorry! I hadn't thought of that! You don't have to answer."

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