Chapter 16//🍖

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His wolf sensed the welcoming presence and Jimin's eyes glowed and sweat was visible.

Not in front of her....calm down not yet

Jimin tried to keep his wolf from taking over and transform in front of the stunned girl who saw his eyes glowed.


His wolf growled but was held down by Jimin's constant persuasion of not transform just yet, not until he get her out of the forest.


His wolf growled louder and it burst out of Jimin's self-control, forcing his body to start expanding and fabric tearing.

The shaking girl was in a maze seeing the boy transforming. His back tore his shirt apart and his face was deforming. Fur started appearing and his little fingers grew with claws coming out of them.
His whimpers turned into groans and saliva dripping through it's teeth. Now, a 5ft tall black wolf with golden eyes stood in front of her. Suddenly, it snapped its head towards an odor, supposedly the moose's, and bolted away from her. He bolted so abruptly that it shook the ground making the girl stumbled and fell.

"Jimin! Wait!"
Her being a brave dumbass decided to follow him, well what's better way to kill yourself than following a starving werewolf to hunt down a moose. She ran as fast as she could following the sprinting black wolf
even though branches left cuts on her.

She pushed through a bush and stepped into a river.
River? Where's Jimin? She thought and froze when she felt a breath above her head. As cautious as she could, she slowly rose her head and there it was, a 5ft  or more furry moose stared down at her. A territorial male moose is the last thing you want to come across in a scavenger forest because by then, the real deal is not predators but those who survived them; the top preys.

"H-Hi there....s-sorry about....that"
She looked down and knew why it was huffing at's water...

The moose lowered its head aim right at Riley's gut with its wide killing horns and laid its ears back. It was thumping the ground with one of it's hooves ready to ram its horn into her ribs.


A huge figure tackled the territorial moose down but it got up and swung it head as it changed its target to the big black wolf. Jimin, Riley was so frightened that she fell onto the ground and watched him hunt.
It was much more different than those she watched when she hung out his wolf. This time it was more murderous and probably more brutal considering how hungry he was as saliva was dripping from his mouth.

The predator and prey was circling each other, one showing its razor sharp teeth another showing its killing horns. Jimin's growled and barked a little and each time he did it Riley would flinched as it vibrated the woods.

It's fucking huge dude.....

Instead of sounding like a scary cat, Jimin was drooling and gapped his mouth showing his glorious teeth built to tear through ribs. It must be his lucky day today having such buffed and muscular moose for lunch.

Feeling threatened, the moose launched itself towards the drooling wolf with it's horn aimed at his face but Jimin dodged it and jumped onto its back. The moose was panicking and trying to buck off the wolf and it did but claws dug it's skin leaving it open for blood to gash out. Jimin was getting up but was jabbed in the ribs by the horns and got yanked around. Angrily, he stretched his neck to its fullest before latching his teeth onto its neck. The moose let out a ear-piercing wail as its neck was being shed apart as Jimin swung his head side to side. Soon, the large moose became lifeless with some twitch here and there as it bleed to death.

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