Chapter 25//🌙

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"Grandpa Riot? Do you really think Jimin can do this?"

"Yes, child. He has to do it"


"But this is SOOO LAMEEEEE"

The couple and the old man have been standing in front of a rabbit burrow quietly but clearly blew up their cover with Jimin impatient whines.

Today's training, according to Riot, is to train Jimin's sneakiness and 'no sound' technique but CLEARLY someone was not cooperating as he had considered bunnies as an easy prey and even claimed to have NO problem hunting one.

"Impatience, son!"

Riot hissed irritatedly at his annoying grandson.

"Now now baby, is a must for you to do this to improve your skills, hm?"

Riley nuzzled into her boyfriend's neck trying to bring out the hunting side of him.


He pouted and Riot was quite shock to see how much impact Riley has on him.

"Jimin.....time to transform"

Riot picked up a strong odor, assumably belongs to a rabbit in the burrow. Jimin lazily stood up and hid behind a rock to transform and stayed there waiting for the prey to appear.

Riley once again slumped seeing Riot who was staring in space as he mind linked Jimin.

Remember, son. Patience.

Jimin groaned at his grandfather's continuous usage of that boring word. He waited as the rabbit sniffed the air and peeked a little. It must have picked up a faint scent of Jimin as it ducked a little but hunger took over the prey as it hopped out and sniffed the air for food instead of predators.

Jimin swung his tail a little slowly going into his hunting mode as he fixed his gaze on the rabbit.

Straighten your tail, boy. Keep your balance.

Jimin instantly fixed his posture at Riot's reminder. The boy really doesn't like to be disciplined but if the training was what he really needed to defeat his father then he will push away all his childishness and train hard.

He bent more so his hindquarters are fully flexed for an abrupt attack.

As soon as the rabbit was few feet away from its burrow, Jimin pushed himself out of the bush and stood in front of its home blocking it. His movements was so smooth that he looked like he glided out of the bush with snake like body and landed with no sound at all.

The rabbit only scent the wolf's presence when his scent got stronger but it was too late when Jimin snapped its neck.


Riley cheered loudly before jumping onto the big wolf and dangled herself on him like a koala.

"Impressive, son. You're sure a fast learner"

Riot came shortly after with a proud grin. Jimin begun shrinking before fully transforming back to human with Riley still hanging onto him. 

"Hey babe...."


Riley immediately let go and blushed when she realized she was holding onto a naked and smirking Jimin.

"Y-You have a little....blood....there"

Riley stepped closer and wiped the corner of his lips making him smirked even wider.

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