Chapter 13//🏆

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"Jesus Christ..."
Jimin whispered as he watched the whole fight from the TV in the lockers room. The Jungkook he knew always gets hit at least once or twice even when he's more built than Jimin. He recalled the kid being a little skinnier and had no leg or arm muscles but now he's ripped in everywhere. Witnessing the fight ending in less than 10 minutes, Jimin knew his junior had grown a lot but nonetheless it would take him another 5 years or even more to take Jimin down. Jungkook came into the locker room sweaty from head to toe but exhaustion was the last thing he felt cause right now his adrenaline wouldn't stop flowing like river.

"How did I do, hyung?"

"Way better than before and it might or might not scared me a little"
Jimin chuckled and fist bumped him.

"I hate to say this but I think we're paired for the finals."
Jimin would be lying if he say he didn't felt threatened a little but he quickly brushed it off and determined to take his large junior down like he always did.

•VIP Lounge•

"You've GOT to be kidding wonder they're acquaintances I mean look at that thing he's basically Cerberus in disguise"
Riley muffled with her hot dog stuffed mouth while shaking Zackus shoulder as she blasted in astonishment.

"Now for the finals, Zeus versus Saturn, Ares versus Utah and finally CERBERUS VERSUS BLACK BEAST!!!"
The audience screamed and vibrated the whole underground with their clapping and stomping.

It's hard for Riley to restrain herself from shouting their names especially when she's having a mini party in her body.

The finals begun with Zeus and Utah losing and soon Ares as well. Saturn was arranged to fight with Jungkook due to the odd number fighters since Jimin enters the finals only but that didn't stop Jungkook from slammed Saturn onto the ground as he was bored fighting anyone but Jimin.

"At last, the moment we've been waiting for....the Grand Finals where the winner takes home everything the investors and gamblers offered!"

"To the right, Hades' favorite killer, the Hellhound, CERBERUS THE CAGED DOG"
Jungkook entered the cage and everyone went crazy for his fearful aura. Excitement and threat radiates off of him as he stared at Jimin's entrance.

"To my left, the Lucifer. The Hades. The death itself- THE ALMIGHTY BLACK BEAST!!!!"
The audience chanted along with the MC as if they're bringing a devil into the cage- which was true but Riley scrunched up her nose at the terrifying names they gave him considering how she only viewed him as a soft and kind friend.

"Nooo he's not Luci- oh my god...."
She halted immediately as Jimin walked in shirtless with built body, tensed muscles, hooded fury eyes and his abs....those abs. She didn't know which made her jaw break. Is it his fighting aura? His fearful figure or his body....99% sure it was his body....

The hall was filled with so much screaming and cheering that the MC shouted into the mic to quiet them down. The referee reminded rules even though no one really listens to it, it is underground fighter after all.

"May the winner brings home money and glory. Fighters ready! And....FIGHT!!!"

None of them moved only sent glares and smirks but it didn't last long as Jungkook strikes forward and extended his arms to punch Jimin but he dodged it in flash and kneed Jungkook's ribs. The buff boy hissed but smirked even wider as his adrenaline rushed through his body. He went straight for Jimin's face who was ready to dodge it again but this time failed as Jungkook suddenly stepped to his side and head locked him. With Jimin strongly kept in place under the boy's armpits, he got the upper hand and started striking his senior's face.

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