Chapter 6//🌗

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"Jimin! Omg"
Riley wasted no time eushing to the drained out Jimin. Last night was disastrous. Jimin was fuming, yes. But his wolf was monstrously raging to the point wherr Jimin had to let it take over or else they both gonna lose their damn minds.


Was the only thing his wolf repeats as it rampaged through the scavenger forest

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Was the only thing his wolf repeats as it rampaged through the scavenger forest. No doubt the murders in the forst was caused by it. Giving detectives and polices the worst headache ever seeing the footprints and bite marks that no one can tell what it was. It sent great fear to the town, knowing there's a beast on the lose. But they didn't it will never happen again. Jimin and his wolf had the best self-control and their teamwork was surely remarkable. But last night was exceptional as his wolf almost shattered the window trying to get out. Jimin had to hold his breath the entire time he was running to the forest before shaking vigorously and transforming into his wolf. It howled , growled , roared , anything it can do to release the volcano. Jimin never had problem with his wolf's temper and it had always been a mutual respect and understanding between the two. But after last night, he knew he had to talk to his wolf after calming down. He practically dragged his body back to the apartment since his wolf was so tire emotionally and physically after all the chaos it caused.

Riley was scared and shaking seeing her one sided best friend laid like a dead man on the floor. Scratched everywhere , messed up hair , few bruises and some blood on his mouth. All because his wolf wasn't just killing animals, it was bolting through the forest mindlessly and falling a few times.

With trembling hands , Riley went to the cabinet where she saw Jimin went to last time and got some ointment. She basically hugged as much bandages and medicines as she could and tried her absolute best to cover up his wounds. Jimin just laid there without even flinching or wince at the burning sensations.

time skip to night time•

Urgh bloody hell

Jimin hissed at the terrible headache as he slowly become conscious. He glanced around the room and read the time. slept for 12 hours?
His wolf shifted a little before stretching his front paws and back.

Morning Park bro.

Jimin cringed at the nickname but soon started fuming.

Don't ever do that again. I know you're angry but you've got to control it. We're in this together.

Jimin said in a rather disappointing tone and his wolf immediately apologized in a whimper.

And you-

Before he could continue to lecture his wolf, he heard a shift beside him. He snapped his head and squinted his eyes at a curled up figure on the floor.
....Riley?.... then it hit him....she took care of him.
He stared at the girl , taking in all her features realizing how much he missed all of that in the mist of pushing her away. He felt...guilty...

𝗥𝗨𝗠𝗣𝗨𝗦//𝗣𝗝𝗠 𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗪𝗢𝗟𝗙 𝗙𝗙✔️Where stories live. Discover now