Chapter 4// 🐾

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Riley's list to make Jimin Smile :
2) .....

Riley was burning the midnight oil trying to figure out ways to make Jimin smile again. Come on Rileyyy you can do this! She motivated herself while tugging on her hair just to find herself wandering the same question over and over again. What does he like.... Then she remembered the first photo. Wolves....puppy....

2) Wolves and puppies
3) birthday gift

Riley stretched her hands and back and congratulate herself for being so "observant" as stated by Jimin.
Great job Liley , you deserve to sleep and cupcakes for dream. She thought as she tucked herself in bed for a long slumber.

•Next Morning•

Riley was hyped up more than ever today and got ready for school in just 30 minutes. She dashed out and stood in front of Jimin's door. Tapping her foot and humming a sweet melody before the doorknob twisted opened.

She greeted...well...more like screamed.

Jimin flinched to the sudden outburst but soon let out a tired sigh.

The usual greeting she got from him doesn't irritate her a bit , instead she was grateful that he even spoke to her. Even if it's just one word.

"I brought you breakfast!"
Riley took out a container with french toast sizzled with maple syrup and some berries.

"I don't eat breakfast"
Was all he said before walking to the elevator with long strikes. Can he walk slower? Riley thought before running to walk beside him.

"Then I won't eat too!"
But her belly rumbled against her comment and her cheeks flushed. She nervously laughed and apologized. Jimin let out a sigh before sitting on a bench of the apartment and took the container from her. She bounced onto the bench happily and started munching down the toast as she hummed to the yummy taste in her mouth. Unknowingly, Jimin took a bite only to find his lips lift up a little but it went unnoticed by the bubbly girl beside him.

•time skip to school•

For the whole journey to school , Riley would not stop asking Jimin questions to know him more.
What food does he like, what's his favorite colour, favorite song, etc. Usually Jimin would've told them off if it was someone else but surprisingly he stay beside her and answered them. Even if it was a one word question, Riley cherish it a lot as her new friend starts to make progress in opening up.

They separately to their classes. Riley have Chemistry while Jimin have Economics. Riley waved vigorously to Jimin as a goodbye while he gave a simple nod and turned away.

"How's dealing with that stone guy"
Courtly chimmed in when she saw Riley coming into the classroom.

"He's doing great! He ate my homemade toast AND answered my questions!"
She giggled at her successful attempts and that really made her day.

Others happiness causes her to be happy....she's too precious.
Courtly thought as she smiled and sighed. And focus on the lesson. Riley on the other hand was scribbling in class on the ideas of making Jimin smile. 13th October....that's two months from now....I have to find a job to earn money for the gift!

As she was engrossed in her ideas, the lunch bell rang and students were rushing out of the boring lesson.

"Aren't you coming?"
Courtly asked as she packed her things.

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