Chapter 7//📝

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"Good morning, Hazel"
Riley beamed at her plush unicorn as she stretched.
She washed up and wore oversized hoodie before wandering into his kitchen for breakfast.

"Morning, mom....yea I did.... Yeap! I even made friend with my neighbor!"

Riley chatted with her mom on her phone while preparing some fruits. After she ended the call with a goodbye kiss through the phone, a knock came.

"Hey....I just....erm....w-wanna have breakfast together?"
The door opened to a awkwardly fidgeting Jimin with his all over the place and not at Riley. He learned to question and ask for permission rather than demanding all the time. He learned a lot overnight, well what can he say, he adopted this ability after all the years he spent in the woods as a pup trying to survive.

Riley shouted in excitement and dragged Jimin across the hallway to the elevator.

"D-don't you want to change into a more...I don't know...presentable clothes?"
He eyed her washed out hoodie that she probably wears everyday and a pair of leggings that huuged her legs beautifully and those slippers....those...furry slippers....with a unicorn face on presentable....

"Nahh it's okay, I like to be in comfortable clothes when I eat. Hehe"
She chuckled as she ran out of the elevator with Jimin still locked under her grip.

Cafe Pistou? Again? Aren't she scared of what happened last time? Because I'm scared...I'm fucking terrified....
Jimin thought as he flashed back to when his wolf was taking a trip a hell with all the angry it had.

"Hopefully that guy won't bother us again I might get angry since I'm hungry"
She spoke and snapped Jimin out of his thought as they sat down.

"What do you want to eat, Jimin? Spaghetti, English Breakfast, today's special- cupcake...wait..."
Riley's eye widened and glittered with her mouth gapped.

Her expression brighten so much that the waiter was almost blinded by it.

She eye smiled and the waiter almost fainted by the overwhelming cuteness. All the while Jimin was watching, he was mentally cooing at first but then darkened when he was how the waiter was attracted to Riley's charm.

"A latte and muffin , please"
Jimin ordered in a deep voice that vibrates the waiter's spine, pulling his out of his hopeless daydream.

"Y-yes. Your orders will be ready in just a few minutes"
The waiter hurried away. Riley just sat there, imagining how her cupcake would taste like, not realizing Jimin's green eyed monster surfacing.

"You shouldn't have so much sugar in the morning, Riley"
Riley shot her head up in surprise. It was the second time he called her by her name. Soon enough, her shocked expression turned into a giggle.

"I haven't had a cupcake in yearsss. Mom and dad nagged me a lot about my sugar addiction, so I learned to cut them down a lot"

That explained her skinny figure. Less carbohydrates...
Jimin mentally take in as much information as he can about Riley because he really yesterday that Riley knows a lot about as she observed him closely but he didn't know anything about her.

" are you still so active and cheerful with so little sugar?"
Jimin leaned closely as he intended to know more.

"Well, I love fruits and vegetables. They both contains lots of healthy sugar!"
She leaned in as well and make her years growing up in the barn useful in managing her sugary diet.

Urgh fruits and vegetables....ew

His wolf chocked on those words considering it was a full carnivor whereas Jimin still enjoy munching on them every now and then.

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