💥Chapter 3 💥

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Author's Note: This chapter took some time to write but I'm glad it is done. Let's get started ^-^

You took your position as Ladybug's plan began to unfold in the stadium. Cat Noir still having no idea what is happening blinked as Ladybug wrapped her yoyo around his legs.

"BATTER UP!" She yells as she throws him towards you as he screams. You smile trying not to laugh before you caught him and throw him at Stoneheart. Cat Noir's target was right in his hands as he landed straight in one of Stoneheart's hands.

Ladybug jumped in the air as she smiles brightly before she lands in the other hand that was previously closed. A purple rock dropped from his hand as Ladybug turned to Alya who was still recording.

"NOW! TURN ON THE WATER!" She yells as Alya quickly stopped what she was doing and turned on the water pump causing the water to flow all the way to the rubber suit that was in Stoneheart's hands. The rubber suit begins to expand causing Stoneheart to let go of Ladybug as it fully expanded. She quickly ran over to the dark purple rock that was a few feet away from her. You smile a bit as you watch her break the rock causing the akuma to fly out of the rock and into the sky. You felt like you did okay but...you couldn't help but forget something as you land below. Stoneheart begin to dissolve into rocks as Cat Noir falls with Ivan until they landed on the floor. You walked over to Cat Noir and helped him up. You turned to Ladybug with a smile.

"You did it!" Cat Noir exclaimed with a bright smile on his face.

"Ladybug, that was amazing. You totally saved everyone" You say

"No" she says turning to us with a smile "We did it partners"

All 3 of you smile as you all share a fist bump in the middle.

"Pound it!"

The smiles ended as you hear the sounds of Cat Noir's ring blinking as well as your own hairpin. Ladybug turns to you to.

"You too should get going" she advised "Our identities must remain a secret"

You nodded in agreement as Cat Noir bows once.

"Farewell you two" he says "Let's do this again soon!"

He turns around and runs off as you share a look with Ladybug as your wings materialize behind you.

"Au revoir, Ladybug" you say with a smile before you leave the scene.


News spread of you and your partners saving the world fast like wildfire. Ladybug, Cat Noir and Phoenix were the names given to you three as you sit on the sofa with Firra not to far away from you. Your head was deep in your mind as you thought about how you felt on your first fight. You felt unsure as the thought on the back of your mind still was there..What were you forgetting..?

"You did well for your first try" Firra says as she nibbles on some of the food you laid out for her as you nodded in agreement before your thoughts took over you.

"But I can't help but forget something important firra..something important" you say honestly as you turn on the tv. Suddenly your eyes widen as you see the reports of multiple stoneheart appearing all over the city. Then it hit you fully as you stand up.

"The akuma!" you say "Oh god we forgot to deal with it!"

"It would appear so, you and Ladybug must be the ones to get the akuma." Firra informs you as she looks at you serious "If your student becomes angry again he could control all of those stonehearts"

You look at the tv with worry as you gulp

'But Marinette wouldn't go back...'


Next day, as you walked to school your head was filled with thoughts as you ponder to yourself on what you should do. Considering your in this world now that means changes will be possible for you. Your thoughts trail off as you notice Marinette walking ahead of you. You figured you should try to convince her without giving yourself away. You were about to call out her name when you notice Alya by her side within seconds.You let out a sigh.

"This is going to be harder than I thought.." you mumbled before someone runs past you. You can catch a glimpse of the blonde hair as you blink surprise.

"Adrien?" you asked surprised as he stops and turns around.

"(NAME!)" He exclaims with a smile before he hugs you "It's so good to see you"

'So we did know each other...' you thought as you did a soft smile

"It's good to see you to Adrien"

"Why are you walking on your own?" he questioned "especially considering you just gotten better"

"I well..I felt bad if sabrina's dad drove me so I decided to walk" you lied slowly as he stares at you.

"Well you shouldn't walk by yourself, lemme walk with you"


School isn't really helping matters for you as Adrien takes you to school. Everyone was making sure you were okay and even Chloe had to double check on you which made it even harder to get Marinette alone. You also had to keep an eye on Ivan which was difficult...You sat by yourself as you watched the students ask Ivan questions about being Stoneheart.

"Annoying huh?" a voice asked as you turn to see Alya and Marinette which makes you smile a little bit.

"Its..sad" you say honestly as Marinette turns to you a bit surprised

"I'm surprised you would say that" she said "Usually your like Chloe with these types of situations"

"...I guess being in a coma would change perspective" you say slowly as you stand up "All I know is that Ivan needs a break especially considering who got him mad to begin with"

You walked away as what you said played in Marinette's head. You sneaked a look at Firra.

"Think it helped?" you whispered

"It's a start" she whispers back


You were in the nurse's office for a quick check up on your health before you could hear the sounds of the screaming and the breaking of the bricks and stone. Your heart begins to feel uneasy as the nurse ran away. You quickly looked out the window as you watch Stoneheart carry Chloe and Mylène away. You mentally sigh as knowing Chloe..she might have gotten him angry..

"Firra" you say taking a deep breath as she begins to glow with your hair pin "Ashes to Ashes"

Your body begins to feel lighter as you let the glow take over your body. You eyes were serious as your resolve was true.

'I will do my best..' you thought 'to protect everyone'

Your superhero attire returns to your body as the wings appear behind your back once more.You slowly pray before you fly out of the window and straight into danger once more as you followed Stoneheart.

'I hope Marinette can make her choice...' you thought as you continued to fly.

[ Origins Part 3 ]

Authors Note: Im finally almost done with the origins episode. Thank you to everyone for sticking to me as I slowly write each chapter. Happy Holidays to each and every one of you and I see you all in part 4

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