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Jenna stayed at Tyler's house for the rest of night. Josh had to go home. All three of them were exhausted.

Jenna tried her best to comfort her boyfriend. It was hard because she had never gone through what he has and never will. She tried her best anyway and that's all that matters.

Tyler had tears in his eyes at all times. He couldn't control it. Blurryface bothered him for the rest of the night.

When his parents came home, Jenna told them what had happened. She suggested that he should go to another appointment with his psychologist. They said that he had another therapy session the next day anyway.

The night went by fast. It felt like it was morning in the blink of an eye. Jenna went home late that night. Tyler didn't go to school the next day, leaving Jenna and Josh alone.

Everything flew by in a blur. It felt like the world was going faster. Soon enough Tyler was walking into the room that he would spill his feelings out and onto the stained carpet. Staying there forever.

He walking in to see Dr. Johnson in the middle of the room. She gestured from him to sit down. He closed the door quickly before heading to the chair in front of her.

"Hello Tyler!"

"Hi" He responded shyly as he sat in the black cushioned chair.

"Anything new happen for you, Tyler?"

"Uh..." He played with his fingers as he thought about what to say. "I- I am quiting cigarettes I guess..."

"Oh that is great! How's that going?"

"Um I just started so... I haven't touched one in a whole day."

"That is wonderful! Keep doing what you are doing!"

"I will"

"Do you find it hard or difficult to quit smoking?"


"Did you try to quit previously?"

"Kind of."

She nodded and wrote something down. The doctor skimmed over different papers. When she was done she cleared her throat before speaking slowly, "So tell me a bit about Blurryface. How is it going?"

"Uh- weird..."

Tyler looked up from the ground to see her nod. A serious yet concerned look was on her old face.

She explained with her hands. "Elaborate."

"Um... I had this weird dream- or hallucination with him... I honestly don't know. For awhile actually he didn't bother me until this one day."

"What day?"

"Like... A few days ago he started getting worse after he was getting better."

She hummed. Her legs uncrossed and crossed again. "Well sometimes things may get worse before they're better. But we can always give you some medication for your schizophrenia?"

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