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I tried publishing this yesterday but it didn't work. As you can see it worked now so enjoy.

Thank you and good night my fellow banditos


No one loves you

They're all faking it

Do everyone a favor and kill yourself

Leave the city. Get out of here

No one would even notice if you did! Heck they'll be glad you left, even if they notice!

You're so weak

So helpless

So stupid!

Tyler grabbed the hair on his head. He had his eyes squeezed shut but tears were still finding their way out.

"Please leave"

You know how you can get rid of me

"I-I'm not killing myself"

Well I guess we've fell in a hole. I'm not going anywhere

Tyler hit the piano in front of him. "Shut up! I hate you!"

Don't hurt the piano

It doesn't have feelings

I'm aware

Then why did you say it?

I didn't actually mean it

Sure you did

Tyler lifted the cover of the piano and hit a random note.

Bet you don't know the name of that note

"C sharp dumbass"


"Yeah it's obvious" He pressed another.

What's that one-

"E! Just let me have one thing where you won't bother me and try to make me rethink what I did! I know for a fact that I know what all the notes are! I've known since 1st grade! Leave me the hell alone for once! This damn piano might've not been touched in years but I sure as hell know what I'm doing!"

He was a little out of breath from screaming. Whatever he did right, he made the voices stop.

Someone opening the basement door filled the silence.

"Tyler? Are you okay?"

It was his mom.

"Y-Yeah of course" His voice crack from his screaming earlier.

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