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Tyler immediately pulled down his sleeve when the door opened. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph walked into the room.

"I need a cigarette!" He pulled at his hair.

"Why were you yelling?"

"Um I- I was talking to someone on the phone" He quickly lied.

"Who? You sounded pretty mad at them"

"Uh- Josh"

"Josh Dun?"


"I thought you two were friends?"



"Kelly let him be"

"Fine. Is he causing problems with you though? Is he the one who made you hurt yourself?"

"Hell no. Definitely not"

"Okay good. If you couldn't tell, we let you stay home from school. Also you're ungrounded but we still would like to know where you go when you leave"


"No problem. You should come down and eat lunch with us"


Hey guess what. Hey. Hey guess what. Hello?!

Are you fucking deaf?!

What?!,Tyler screamed in his head.

Look at you arms

When he looked down he started choking on his sandwich. Which caught the attention of his parents.

Oh this is going to be good

His white long sleeved T-shirt had red designs seeping through. His mother noticed first.

"Tyler is that blood?!"

He didn't reply.

"Come here" Mr. Joseph said. He held a towel. Tyler slowly got up and walked towards him. His father pulled up his sleeve. Tyler looked everywhere but his parents. None of them said a word as Chris cleaned his newer and older cuts.

"Tyler I love you" Chris put down the cleaning supplies. He embraced his son in a hug. "We all love you. I hope you know that"

He's lying



"Good. Why don't you try to sleep again? You seem tired"


You're going to be alone up there. What if Blurryface tries to do something again?

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